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Monday, 25 November 2013

A Case of Mesenteric Adenitis

A Case of Mesenteric Adenitis

Presenting complaints:

A eleven years old male child presented with recurrent tendency to catch cold, sneezing < morning, slightest climatic change, weakness 2+,  want of appetite, recurrent attacks of fever, emaciation, pain in abdomen with nocturnal enuresis, and offensive diarrhea. He also has dry cough < morning. The patient is physically weak, mentally active and keen.

Past history: 

Tonsillectomy one year back and anti- tuberculosis treatment for primary complex. History of recurrent boils treated by allopathic medications.

Family history : 

Mother with a history of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

Physical generals: 

Appetite – Want of appetite

Thirst – drinks less than 2 liters per day; Stool – offensive diarrhea; 

Urine – nocturnal enuresis;

Sleep – disturbed by cough; Sweat – normal; desire for eggs, craving for non-veg3+

Physical examination : Examination of the neck shows enlargement of cervical glands. Inguinal lymph nodes enlarged, 

temperature was 103 F.

Systemic examination 


 RS – monophonic wheezing heard throughout the lung fields. 

Weight – 18 kgs.

Mental generals :

 Active, restless, but physically weak.

Investigations : 

Mantoux positive. The Ultra Sonogram of the abdomen illustrated that multiple enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes and large iliac nodes are seen in the right iliac fossa – Mesenteric adenitis (Refer Plate I)

First prescription

26/08/2009  Tuberculinum 1M / one dose orally. He was also advised to take a protein-rich diet and to avoid coffee and tea intake.

Follow-up 1

31/08/2009 Cough and cold had decreased significantly. He complained of mild left-sided headache and left-sided nasal obstruction. Temperature was 100 F. Placebo was administered. They were given some general management tips and asked to wait for further progress. No complaints of diarrhea. No complaints of abdominal pain. Nocturnal enuresis reduced.

Follow-up 2

18/09/2009 Acute coryza1+ , appetite had improved, generals were normal. Placebo was administered.

Follow-up 3

02/10/2009 No complaints, generally improved. Placebo was administered. No complaints of nocturnal enuresis.

Follow-up 4

04/11/2009 On examination, the cervical gland enlargement had reduced to a significant extent. Inguinal node enlargement had also reduced as well. No attacks of fever, cold, or cough. Weight – 23 kgs. The patient was further encouraged to consume a protein-rich diet. Placebo was given.

Follow-up 5

23/11/2009 The patient had improvement. Placebo was given for 15 days.

Follow-up 6

10/12/2009 The patient was advised to undergo another USG .It shows no evidence of enlarged mesenteric glands. (Refer plate – II) Mantoux negative


Tuberculimnum is the simillimum for this case and was prescribed based on the tubercular miasmatic expression. This factor was well-indicated by the history of suppression of primary complex. Tuberculinum is the most suitable prescription for children with respiratory complaints. In my practice, the majority of children have shown improvement with this remedy.

Homeopathic preventive medicine for foot and mouth disease in animals கோமாரி நோய்க்கு ஹோமியோபதி மருத்துவம்

கோமாரி நோய்க்கு ஹோமியோபதி மருத்துவம்

Homeopathic prevention for Foot and mouth disease in cows

HOMOEOPATHY is afor all living creatures....

genus epidemicus for foot-and-mouth disease in cows..

Merc sol 30--curative remedy for affected animals.

Rhus tox 30 -- remedy for prevention to normal animals.

now a days many animals suffering from foot-and-mouth disease

Foot-and-Mouth Disease is a severe, highly communicable disease in animals. It is caused by one of the smallest disease producing viruses known.

Humans do not catch the virus. The disease is characterized by blister-like lesions on the tongue, nose and lips, in the mouth, on the teats and between the toes which then burst, leaving painful ulcers. The blisters cause a heavy flow of sticky, foamy saliva that hangs from the mouth. Infected animals sway from one foot to the other due to the tenderness of the feet. Although older cattle usually do not die from the infection, they suffer a severe illness which leaves them in a weakened state. They have high fevers, stop eating, give less milk and become lame.

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profuse salivation is the characteristic of this disease.

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