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Saturday, 19 August 2017

Routine remedies in homoeopathy

Routine remedies in homoeopathy..

Causticum is the routine remedy for retention of urine after operation.= Dr. D.M. Foubiser

Nothing equals Hypericum in cases of smashed fingers.= Dr. E.A. Frrington

Hyoscyamus is one of our best remedies for hiccough occurring after operations on the abdomen.= Dr. E.A. Farrington

Hypericum is the main remedy for spinal injuries.= Dr. D.M. Foubister

Berberis Vul. is an excellent remedy for renal colic.= Dr. E. A. Farrington

Cholesterinum is said to be almost specific for gallstone colic.= Dr. Pulford

Colocynthis cures colics again and again.= Dr. T.K. Moore

In biliary colic, Calc. Carb. has never failed me.= Dr. R. Hughes

One’s chief use for Mag. Phos. has been in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea.= Dr. M.L.Tyler

Any haemorrhage seeming to be in sympathy with heart trouble, think of Cactus.= Dr. E.B. Nash

In cramps of the calves, I have never known Cuprum to fail.= Dr. Jousett

In habitual vomiting in babies, one should think of Iris.= Dr. C.G. Raue

For the excessively obstinate child, Tuberculinum is most often indicated.= Dr. D.M. Foubister

I have cured probably 100 cases of Adenoids with Tuberculinium alone.= Dr. J.T. Kent

Persons suffering from ulceration of the lungs can scarcely get well without Kali Carb.=Dr. Hahnemann

There is one remedy in regard to enlarged prostate and that is Hydrangea.= Dr. A.H. Grimmer

For the terrible falling out of hair after Typhoid, Fluoric Acid is well indicated.= Dr. C.M. Boger

I recommend Arnica Mont. as preventive and curative of boils.= Dr. Hahnemann

Nitric Acid is almost specific for diarrhea after antibiotics, especially the mycins.= Dr. E.W. Hubbard

I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of simple acne as Kali Brom 30.= Dr. J.H. Clarke

Lycopodium is master remedy in infantile Eczema.= Dr. Leon Renard

We have found Bacillinum almost specific for ulceration of cornea in children.= Dr. M.L. Tyler

Several cases of cataract have been arrested in their progress by Causticum and the sight even improved, where before its administration they were rapidly going on to complete blindness.= Drs. Allen and Norton

The more Benzoic Acid is used in Gout the more it will be prized.= Dr. C. Hering

Arthritis deformans responds to Antim Crud. a near specific.= Dr. Schwartz

In Diabetes, 2 or 3 grains of the 3rd trituration of Uran. Nit. Administered morning and night, will in a short time reduce the quantity of urine passed to nearly a normal standard, and after a continual use, the proportion of sugar is materially lessened.= Dr. Bradford

Some of the worst cases of chronic rheumatism have been cured by Ant. Crud., guided by the extreme tenderness of the soles of the feet.= Dr. E.B. Nash

Ipecac. is especially the infant’s friend and is commonly indicated in the bronchitis of infancy.= Dr. J.T. Kent

Friday, 11 August 2017

Difference from the centesimal scale and LM potency..

Difference from the centesimal scale and LM potency..

Practical application..

Hahnemann clearly states in 6th edition of organon

Ie, End aggravation, in LM potency,

Hope some more understanding needed here.

 Hahnemann does not expect a similar aggravation in the beginning of his treatment with LMpotencies,

but only at the end when a cure is almost obtained .

only then do we see a similar aggravation AND accessory symptoms belonging to the remedy.

This  is one of the great difference from the centisimal scale.

with the centisimal scale  there is similar aggravation it is at the beginning of therapy,, then amileration after applied right remedy.

With LM potencies the similar aggravation occurring at the end of the natural disease happens at a movement when patients vital force has almost completely been liberated from natural disease.

hence it takes little time and effort when the aggravation is recognized by alert homoeopath,

To bring forth a perfect
Homoeostasis in its secondary action.

homeopathy for injuries

homeopathy for injuries