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Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Important note regarding LM scale

  The centesimal scale and LM potency..

Practical application..

Hahnemann clearly states in 6th edition of organon

Ie, End aggravation, in LM potency,

Hope some more understanding needed here.

 Hahnemann does not expect a similar aggravation in the beginning of his treatment with LMpotencies,

but only at the end when a cure is almost obtained .

only then do we see a similar aggravation AND accessory symptoms belonging to the remedy.

This  is one of the great difference from the centisimal scale.

with the centisimal scale  there is similar aggravation it is at the beginning of therapy,, then amileration after applied right remedy.

With LM potencies the similar aggravation occurring at the end of the natural disease happens at a movement when patients vital force has almost completely been liberated from natural disease.

hence it takes little time and effort when the aggravation is recognized by alert homoeopath.

Homeopathy in children

From doctorsivakumaran desk:

6months old baby came with severe fever especially more on head than allover body.. With small red patches..  

(Only having breastfeeding.. No other external foods)

Severe screaming before

Generally she used to sleep well, 

but nowadays awake suddenly even from slightest noise from distant places (early morning sound from mosques)

Holds the hands of mother and sleeping well on mother's shoulders,

Crying when laying in the crib, 

(i asked the mother to check about ants or insects inside crib) but that is quite normal.

First prescription Belladonna failed....

2nd prescription R× ...... Excellent result...

Find the remedy...


It is borax


Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Homeopathy in renal calculus

Homeopathy having great scope in renal and biliary (gallbladder) stones..

Without surgery and shedding blood...

homeopathy for injuries

homeopathy for injuries