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Tuesday, 25 September 2018

LM scale in practice

In our clinical research,

we have seen many cases, while applying LM scale, they classically got end aggravations after getting cured.

Simply saying,

After administering the right remedy,

In C scale, initial aggravations come first, then amelioration, then cure.

In LM scale, amelioration first, then cure, then end aggravations.

If we continue the similimum again and again, it leads to proving. But aggravations last for very very lesser time, almost negligible when  compared to C-scale.


Formula to remember easily follows:

Initial aggravations ↑, then  amelioration ↓,   then cure =  is  Cscale

Initial amelioration ↓, then cure =,                   then end aggravations↑  is LMscale.

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