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Monday, 9 November 2020

Guidelines to Administration of Antipsoric medicine(s) in females

 Voice of Hahnemann


When we should administer antipsoric medicine to females?

Hahnemann's voice:

The dose of antipsoric medicine must not be taken by females shortly before their menses are expected, nor during their flow; but the dose can be given, if necessary, four days, i.e., about ninety-six hours after the menses have set in. 

But in case the menses previously have been premature or too profuse, or two long-lasting, it is often necessary to give on this fourth day a small dose of nux vomica (one very small pellet, moistened with a high dynamization) to be smelled, and then, on the fourth or sixth day following, the antipsoric.

 But if the female is very sensitive and nervous, she ought, until she comes near her full restoration, to smell such a pellet once about every time seventy-two hours after the beginning of her menses,

 notwithstanding her continued antipsoric treatment.


-----< Page - 138 >-----  chronic diseases by Hahnemann (father of homeopathy)


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