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Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Making the patients to get understanding about homeopathy

" It is to be supposed that Homoeopathy can perform miracles, but it cannot do that, least of all where the patient is not quite a convert to your system, nor so conversant with it as to presume that beyond our art there is no cure for him.

Entirely unacquainted as this gentleman is with our art, he will be unable to withstand the persuasions of his Allopathic friends to give up, and to allow himself to be done to death in some bathing place by doctors of the old school.

" I tell you again you will not be able to prevent this. Even had he implicit confidence, which he has not, you would not be able to restore him in less than a year. So I advise you to get rid of him and not to take any more such difficult cases among persons of rank until you can assert your dignity and ensure obedience to your absolute commands, which must be unquestioningly obeyed.

So the gentleman wants to make it a condition that he shall drink wine and coffee ! For God'ssake let him take himself off, he will do you no credit !

" All my patients of rank affected with chronic diseases must have read the 'Organon' and Boenninghausen's Homoeopathy, otherwise I will not undertake their treatment.

Yours sincerely,

Samuel Hahnemann

Coethen, August 24, 1829."

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