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Thursday, 23 August 2018

What is homeopathy?

What is Homeopathy?

The basic question about
"What is Homeopathy" simply defined here...


The Life and Letters of Dr Samuel Hahnemann
By Thomas Lindsley Bradford, M.D.

Master Hahnemann's teachings which he has left to science may be briefly summed up in a few comprehensive aphorisms :


Diseases are healed by similar ones ; i.e., through medicaments which in the healthy man produce the characteristic symptoms of the disorder to be combatted.


The strength and the effectiveness of medicaments are only discovered by experiments with the pure matter on the healthy body ; its purity ; i.e., its unity is the indispensable condition of its efficacy.


The motion which is communicated to the medicines at their preparation gives them a force which is multiplied through the division of their parts, whereby their spiritual qualities are developed, and by the similarity of their nature they can thus directly come to the aid of the suffering organs.


The diseases with which men are afflicted are divided into three great classes : the acute, the epidemic and the chronic or psoric diseases. But the same medicaments cannot be used with each one of these three great classes of human diseases, every disease is individual, the original element of disease modifies itself according to the bodily constitution, according to former processes in the body, and according to the mental and physical state of the subject.


'The Homoeopath must therefore carefully search out the various symptoms which constitute the morbid state of the patient, and must seek out that medicament for its cure which in the healthy body causes symptoms which are as nearly as possible similar to those of the diseases to be treated. The Homoeopathic medicaments are therefore in a certain degree individual like the accidents of disease.


Nature has richly supplied man in the plants, the metals, and in the apparently dead matter, with the most effective and varied remedies, all that it needs is to discover them ; but this can only be done through constant experimenting carried on for many years.


The Homoeopathic Materia Medica contains the enumeration of a great number of curative peculiarities and properties in the realm of Nature, but it has still before it a whole series of observations and discoveries immeasurable as Nature itself.


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