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Thursday, 18 October 2018

Advantages of LM potencies

Important Advantages of the LM scale in your day today clinical research?

1) The main advantage in using the LM potencies is that aggravations can usually be avoided.

If an aggravation does occur, it is usually mild compared to the C-scale.

2. The practitioner can tell whether the remedy is correct within short time,

because the patient should begin to feel relief after a few doses of the medicine.

Try LM potencies in few cases in your practice, you can easily understand the advantages

Monday, 8 October 2018

For successful homeopathic practice ,Avoid 3errors by Hahnemann

For ever successful prescriptions, avoid Three common errors which leads to failures in homeopathic prescription by Hahnemann

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Gentleness of homeopathic doses

The softest tones of a distant flute that in the still midnight hours would inspire a tender heart with exalted feelings and dissolve it in religious ecstasy, are inaudible and powerless amid discordant cries and the noise of day.  

The softest tones of a distant flute that in the still midnight hours would inspire a tender heart with exalted feelings and dissolve it in religious ecstasy, are inaudible and powerless amid discordant cries and the noise of day.  

Hence the careful investigation into such obstacles to cure is so much the more necessary in the case of patients affected by chronic diseases, as their diseases are usually aggravated by such noxious influences and other disease-causing errors in the diet and regimen, which often pass unnoticed.1

1 Coffee;

fine Chinese and other herb teas; 

beer prepared with medicinal vegetable substances unsuitable for the patient's state;

so-called fine liquors made with medicinal spices;

all kinds of punch; 

spiced chocolate; 

odorous waters and perfumes of many kinds; 

strong-scented flowers in the apartment;

tooth powders and essences and perfumed sachets compounded of drugs; 

highly spiced dishes and sauces; 

spiced cakes and ices;

crude medicinal vegetables for soups; 

dishes of herbs, roots and stalks of plants possessing medicinal qualities;

asparagus with long green tips

, hops, 

and all vegetables possessing medicinal properties,



old cheese, and meats that are in a state of decomposition, 

or that passes medicinal properties (as the flesh and fat of pork, ducks and geese, or veal that is too young and sour viands), 
ought just as certainly to be kept from patients as they should avoid all excesses in food, 

and in the use of sugar and salt,

as also spirituous drinks, undiluted with water, 

heated rooms, 

woollen clothing next the skin,

a sedentary life in close apartments, 

or the frequent indulgence in mere passive exercise (such as riding, driving or swinging),

prolonged suckling,

taking a long siesta in a recumbent posture in bed,

sitting up long at night,


unnatural debauchery,

enervation by reading obscene books, 

reading while lying down,

Onanism or imperfect or suppressed intercourse in order to prevent conception,

subjects of anger, 

grief or vexation,

a passion for play, 

over-exertion of the mind or body, 

especially after meals, 

dwelling in marshy districts,

damp rooms, 

penurious living, etc. 

All these things must be as far as possible avoided or removed, in order that the cure may not be obstructed or rendered impossible. 

Some of my disciples seem needlessly to increase the difficulties of the patient's dietary by forbidding the use of many more, tolerably indifferent things, which is not to be commended.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy

Few basic points in hahnemanian homeopathy..

 *Totality of symptoms* to know the maladies.

*Drug provings in healthy human beings* to know remedies.

*Similimum* means most similar medicine.

*Simile* means exact similar medicine

*Best time to administer antipsoric medicine is in morning* (better after clyster)

Other wise  administration of well selected remedies *(simile) in evening shortly before going to sleep*

The best time for taking a dose of an anti-psoric medicine is early in the morning *while fasting; no food or drink should be taken* within half an hour after.

 After taking the medicine, the *patient should keep perfectly quiet at least a full hour, but without going to sleep,* avoiding mental exertion of any kind as well".


"To females, anti-psoric remedies *should not be given immediately before or during menstruation,* not until four days after the flow has commenced".

*Pregnancy offers a most favorable time for the administration of anti-psoric remedies*, the organism being then in a specially receptive state for the eradication of chronic and inherited disease tendencies.

*Modified doses*
Each time slightly heightened dynamized dosing  from previous dose is compulsory if there is repetition of same remedy.

*Descending orders of potencies of same remedies administration advisable* where patients having great irritabilities with extreme debility.

*Dilutions and potencies (dynamizations)*
Medicines are proved in healthy human beings mostly with simple lower  dilutions, less with dynamizations..

After 1833 Hahnemann recommended all provings to be made therewith 30th dilution.

homeopathy for injuries

homeopathy for injuries