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Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy

Few basic points in hahnemanian homeopathy..

 *Totality of symptoms* to know the maladies.

*Drug provings in healthy human beings* to know remedies.

*Similimum* means most similar medicine.

*Simile* means exact similar medicine

*Best time to administer antipsoric medicine is in morning* (better after clyster)

Other wise  administration of well selected remedies *(simile) in evening shortly before going to sleep*

The best time for taking a dose of an anti-psoric medicine is early in the morning *while fasting; no food or drink should be taken* within half an hour after.

 After taking the medicine, the *patient should keep perfectly quiet at least a full hour, but without going to sleep,* avoiding mental exertion of any kind as well".


"To females, anti-psoric remedies *should not be given immediately before or during menstruation,* not until four days after the flow has commenced".

*Pregnancy offers a most favorable time for the administration of anti-psoric remedies*, the organism being then in a specially receptive state for the eradication of chronic and inherited disease tendencies.

*Modified doses*
Each time slightly heightened dynamized dosing  from previous dose is compulsory if there is repetition of same remedy.

*Descending orders of potencies of same remedies administration advisable* where patients having great irritabilities with extreme debility.

*Dilutions and potencies (dynamizations)*
Medicines are proved in healthy human beings mostly with simple lower  dilutions, less with dynamizations..

After 1833 Hahnemann recommended all provings to be made therewith 30th dilution.

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