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Friday, 25 October 2019

Seminar on Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy

Seminar on Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy

Most awaiting *eye opening  seminar* for every homeopaths, who already tired of *different methods* in the name of homeopathy. ..

 What is the difference between *Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy and classical homeopathy*

Are same?!

Definitely not..! How?

What is *the perfect homeopathic methodology according to Master Hahnemann???!!!*

(Sixth edition aphorism 246)

What's the difference between organon of medicine and the chronic diseases by Hahnemann

Hahnemann's advise on  *modified Dose's vs unmodified Dose's*

Opportunity to learn , *Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy directly from Hahnemann's original versions*

Exciting live demonstrations with evidence based learning

Dry oral dose  Vs *Hahnemann's gentle dosing methodology*

*Single dose Vs Repetition of dosages* which one Master Hahnemann advised

How to do *Succussions and increasing the strength of potencies between dosages of same medicine in same potency*?

*Why and when master Hahnemann advised usage of clyster ?*

How and *when to prescribe antipsoric medicines?!*

*What are all antipsoric medicines according to Master Hahnemann?*

Hahnemanns view *Coffee and tea advisable during homeopathy treatment?!*

*What's the alternative prescribed by master Hahnemann for coffee and tea addict's ?!*

*Master Hahnemann about Prescribing Nosodes , is it safe ?!*
(Aphorism 56)

*What are all the  common 3 mistakes  homeopaths doing it often* according to master Hahnemann?!

*How much fees we can collect from patients?! How to collect?!* Master Hahnemann's answer

*How to solve potency problems in homeopathy* Hahnemann's answered

And more....

*Any more questions in your mind, bring it and get Hahnemann's direct answers from Hahnemann's writings*

 One day workshop with Doctorsivakumaran

Date :1.12.2019

Venue:Karthiyaini homeo clinic,Trichy

For practitioners:500INR
For students     :400INR
Tea,snacks included.

Early bird catches the Worms

Hahnemann's original  framed photograph  on requests will be given as a token for all earnest seekers....

Certificate of successful participation will be assured

 Karthiyaini Homoeo clinic
24,3rd street alpha nagar, Karumandapam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620001

099449 46621

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

A case of Alopecia totalis

doctor sivakumaran:
A case of Alopecia Totalis

A female aged 33 a doctor in modern medicine had complete loss of hair since 3months… She presented sudden hair loss which involved the entire scalp . She had been treated with Modern medicines and the investigations revealed positive for Antinuclear antibodies.

Life Space and  conversations :

She explained about her life fluently, She is doing busy medical practice's with enthusiasm in Karnataka.

She loves to help others++, and wants to sleep well, slight loss of sleep aggravating ++++
all her complaints, feels better by naps+++
suddenly got alopecia, she tried with different specialists, Utterly vexed++++
from despair of  recovery++++ , because, they explained about ,there is no
treatment in allopathy.

 Tendencies:Catch cold ++,

 Worms:
Regularly deworming with albendazole

Few times suppressed menses cycle with hormones to cross
auspicious days, occasionally using air-conditioning which suppress her sweating.

 Sensitive +++

 She often get dreams of money and gold.,
 Caring+, affectionate+,

 mottled spots in some areas, urticarial patch to allergens..

Physical generals:
 Dryness++,
 Thirsty ++, aversion to eat sweets++++
 Used to sneezes much in morning occasionally,
 Having sensation of strengthened muscles after alopecia +++ (she reasoned that might be muscles get more protein, because she
took much protein diet to grow hair)

Past history:
She suffered with jaundice, showed all her liver functions tests always with abnormalities, feels tympanic abdomen+++ due to allopathic drugs..

Vaccination history:
Had all vaccinations.

History of epidemic attacks:
 Suffered with chicken pox during child hood

Family history:

Grand father -liver cirrhosis
Grand Mother Rheumatoid arthritis
Father- Diabetes, hypertension

Grand father -Hypertensive
Grand Mother- Thyroid dysfunctions

Clinical Evaluation :

 Hair falling

 Hair falling handful, bunches in

 Sudden symptoms

 Abdomen tympanic

 Digestion affected

 Liver (including rt hypochondria)

 Coldness of forearms

 Sleep >, loss of <

 Thirst++

 Sweets aversion

 Dryness++

 Strength sensation of,muscular

 Mind: Amativeness

 Despair of recovery

First Prescription:
15 .3.2017


Phosphorus LM 3

Mode of administration:(Plussing method )

single pill of phosphrous lm3 mixed with 120ml water... after 10 strong succussions. 1tablespoon solution (15ml) taken and then,Pour into glass which contains 10 tablespoons of water, After 10 strong stirs. Administered one teaspoon (5ml) from this solution daily

Follow Ups 1 23-4.2017

Phosphorus lm5 administered as above,the patient visited ever month, she got gradual improvement...

She continued the treatment regularly with phosphorus LM 7,9,12
And followed with syphilinum LM 6,9,12 prescribed as per her
symptoms similarities..


Its a known case of autoimmune disorder.. (Antinuclear antibodies
positive) responding to the "law of similars" It is privilege and credit to
Homoeopathy to treat a physician of other system gaining confidence
and faith..


Healthy living

"Simple genuine homoeopathy" (6th edition of organon & LM potencies)


Genuine Homoeopathy Clinical Research Centre,
19 Pandian Nagar,
Tamil Nadu (India)

homeopathy for injuries

homeopathy for injuries