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Friday, 25 October 2019

Seminar on Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy

Seminar on Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy

Most awaiting *eye opening  seminar* for every homeopaths, who already tired of *different methods* in the name of homeopathy. ..

 What is the difference between *Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy and classical homeopathy*

Are same?!

Definitely not..! How?

What is *the perfect homeopathic methodology according to Master Hahnemann???!!!*

(Sixth edition aphorism 246)

What's the difference between organon of medicine and the chronic diseases by Hahnemann

Hahnemann's advise on  *modified Dose's vs unmodified Dose's*

Opportunity to learn , *Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy directly from Hahnemann's original versions*

Exciting live demonstrations with evidence based learning

Dry oral dose  Vs *Hahnemann's gentle dosing methodology*

*Single dose Vs Repetition of dosages* which one Master Hahnemann advised

How to do *Succussions and increasing the strength of potencies between dosages of same medicine in same potency*?

*Why and when master Hahnemann advised usage of clyster ?*

How and *when to prescribe antipsoric medicines?!*

*What are all antipsoric medicines according to Master Hahnemann?*

Hahnemanns view *Coffee and tea advisable during homeopathy treatment?!*

*What's the alternative prescribed by master Hahnemann for coffee and tea addict's ?!*

*Master Hahnemann about Prescribing Nosodes , is it safe ?!*
(Aphorism 56)

*What are all the  common 3 mistakes  homeopaths doing it often* according to master Hahnemann?!

*How much fees we can collect from patients?! How to collect?!* Master Hahnemann's answer

*How to solve potency problems in homeopathy* Hahnemann's answered

And more....

*Any more questions in your mind, bring it and get Hahnemann's direct answers from Hahnemann's writings*

 One day workshop with Doctorsivakumaran

Date :1.12.2019

Venue:Karthiyaini homeo clinic,Trichy

For practitioners:500INR
For students     :400INR
Tea,snacks included.

Early bird catches the Worms

Hahnemann's original  framed photograph  on requests will be given as a token for all earnest seekers....

Certificate of successful participation will be assured

 Karthiyaini Homoeo clinic
24,3rd street alpha nagar, Karumandapam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620001

099449 46621

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