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Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Characteristic symptoms

Characteristic symptoms?!

There are two aphorisms talks about characteristic symptoms 133&153

Both are looking for the characteristic symptoms.
133 is about doing provings.
153 is about case analysis.

Instead of the grand totality we need the characteristic totality.


Minimum syndrome of maximum value ...

Aphorism 153 talks about completeness of singular symptom(s)

Repertory's are having only fragments of complete symptoms..

Complete symptoms are provided in the proving data!

Deconstructed symptoms are found in repertory!

Repertory's are having only fragments of complete symptoms..,

so its Better we use repertory only for finding out group of similar medicines, not for finding out single similar remedy, through repertorization.

Hahnemann explains how to match proving data to symptoms to select a remedy in the MMP

Before repertories and selective materia medica became popular homeopaths were expected to solve cases using proving data.

Modalities can be used to make a general into a charactaristic.

Here is an example of a charactaristic symptom of
carb v from MMP....

[623] -Itching and burning on various parts of the body. [Gff.].

[620]-Itching like  flea-bites on several parts of the body.

Also from carb v

[656] - Yawning. [Ad.].
[656]- Much yawning and stretching.(aft. 2 h.) [Gff.].
- Frequent stretching and extending the limbs, whence he feels better (aft. 5 d.).

Also from carb v

- [210] Sensation of constant heartburn ; acid always rose up into the mouth.

- Hunger, and still there is repugnance to dishes which are agreeable to him.

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