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Monday, 3 August 2020

My clinical experiences in Covid 19

From my desk 

*My Trio Happy hypoxia in covid19*

To reduce covid19 *happy hypoxia* Arsalb, carboveg, veratrum trio helping well.

Arsalb typically fear with restlessness , wants warm drinks which ameliorates, with midnight agg

Carboveg when the patient having low vitality with bloating dyspnea with eructations, fever without thirst.

Veratrum when there is external coldness with internal fever , marked dryness thirst for cold water, but drinking agg, skin turns blue.

(Acidphos where patient extremely exhausted, profound debility) 

*Simple home quarantine with homeopathy medicine's*
Arsalb LM 1,2,3 
Acid phos LM 1,2,3,4,5 were used successfully.

We used Arsalb in LM every 30min for first 2days as per symptoms totality, fever reduced,  but debility ++++ indicates Acid phos in LM,... Improved dramatically.  Will write full case soon.

*We administered every 30mins , each time after 10 strong succussions...   Now we reduced to 8succussions and 2hrly doses.*

Will learn and update more practical utility from patients symptoms...


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