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Thursday, 1 October 2020

Dr.C.M.Boger on vaccination

Dr.C.M.Boger on vaccination:

" Aside from their acute dangers serums(vaccines) are palliatives as well as causing defective elimination; they lower reactive power and force the vital power into more sluggish channels where response is much slower. 

This is fully shown by the presence of retention changes in the iris and the increased susceptibility to disease which follows.

 Injecting heterogeneous matter into the blood stream violates the laws of nature and is full of danger; being certainly a stepdown procedure."

*Serums (An early form of vaccines)-Tikva

 Aside from the acute danger of vaccines they cause "defective elimination" and "lower the reactive power"

Where the vital force becomes sluggish and has trouble eliminating the toxins.

We can see changes in the iris of the eyes. The body becomes more susceptible to disease

This violates the laws of nature and is dangerous.

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