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Monday, 30 January 2023

Free from psora / Antipsoric treatment

Can we homeopaths,  ready to declare like Hahnemann, as we are free from psora out of antipsoric treatment.???

👇 Voice of Hahnemann

"I myself was never psoric, and hence, by comparing myself with psoric persons, could best demonstrate the difference. I ought to have done this in my book, but, alas ! I either forgot to do so, or probably did not do it because I did not like to talk about myself."
 (Hom. World, Vol. XXIV., p. 493. "Annals British Hom. Society," Vol. II., p. 149.)

Hahnemann also mentions this fact about himself in the second edition of the " Chronic Diseases."  (Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases." New York. Radde. 1845. p. 63.)

He says :

" *It was easier for me than for many hundred others to discover and discern the signs of psora, both those still slumbering and latent in the interior and those roused up out of the interior into serious chronic diseases, by careful comparison of the state of health of all affected with it with myself, because I, as is rarely the case, was never psoric, and hence, from my birth till now, when I am in my eightieth year, I have always remained completely exempt from all the ailments (great and small) described here and further on, though I am otherwise very susceptible to acute epidemic diseases, and although I have undergone much mental labor and thousands of emotional mortifications.*"

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