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Sunday, 1 May 2016

Cancer and Homeopathy

Cancer and Homeopathy

Cancer is an abnormal malignant growth of cells.

Cancer can arise inside a duct in the breast, bronchial tube in the lungs, or in the lining of the uterus, stomach, or bowel.
When a cancer arises in the epithelial tissue, it is called carcinomas (cancer of the breast, stomach, womb, skin, tongue, or lungs).

When it originates in the connective tissue (bone, and muscle), it is called sarcomas.
Leukemia is a malignant neoplasm of the blood-forming tissues. It usually begins in the bone marrow.

Lymphomas is the disease of the blood-forming organs and lymphatic system. One type is Hodgkins disease.
In central nervous system, the cancer begins in the tissue of the spinal cord.

Homeopathy in Practice
Cancer is multi-miasmatic. It is made of many miasmatic layers. A series of homeopathic nosodes are required to remove the multi-miasmatic milieu.

1. Psora addresses the breeding ground for cancer.

2. Sycosis addresses the productive manifestation of cutaneous neoformation of tumors.

3.Carcinosinum addresses the predisposition and susceptibility of the organism to get cancer.

Anti-Cancer Diet

Avoid a high-fat diet. It increases the risk of developing cancer.

Add desi cow milk.  Avoid other  milk and milk products, especially cheese. They contain tumor-promoting growth hormones.

Add fresh fruits.

Artificial Sugar feeds cancer cells. Avoid packed foods. Stay away from pasta, baked goods, , smoke and alcohol.

Garlic has anti-fungal properties. Before breakfast take a very tiny piece of garlic and crush it with a knife. Swallow it with a glass of water.

Maximize your intake of fresh, organic vegetables. Eat vegetables from a variety of colors–dark green, rich yellow, deep orange, and red. They protect against cancer.

Blueberries have antioxidant properties: include them with your morning breakfast.
Get high protein intake from turkey, nuts, and seeds.

Drink eight to ten glasses of water per day, to help flush out toxins.

Keep acid-base balance.

Follow 10 food combination rules.

Leading Homeopathic Remedies for Cancer
Carbo animalis is indicated when a lump looks suspicious.

Thuya treats cancerous disposition of all types of cancer.

Phytolacca treats both a malignant or benign tumor

Conium treats indurated nodules

China is used after a surgical intervention

Radium bromatum is indicated for ill effect of radiation

Arsenicum album treats anxiety, fear of death

Calcarea fluorica treats sarcoma, connective tissues and muscle

Radium bromatum treats leukemia in children

Tarentula cubensis indicated for lymphoma

Condurango slows the evolution of a fast growing tumor

Hydratis treats cancerous conditions, ill effect of chemo, when one is unable to eat food

Scrofularia treats a breast tumor

Benzolum is indicated in the treatment of leukemia

Hekla lava treats sarcoma, cancer of the bone

Baryta iodatum treats cancer of the breast

Lachesis treats cancer of the ovaries

Crotalus horridus treats prostatic carcinoma

Ornithogallum treats intestinal tumor, colon cancer, and cancer of the stomach

Homeopathic Liver Detoxification

Berberis vulgaris


Vitis vinifera





 Kreosotum having helped lot of cases.

Natural Supplements for Cancer

Take a multivitamin in addition to eating a wholesome diet.

A liquid, vitamin B-12 supplement supports the making of new cells.

Vitamin C helps stop  the growth of cancer cells.

Probiotics help improve digestive health after chemo.

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