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Saturday, 21 May 2016

How we will make our health better further????

How we will make our health better further????

Its is better to add goodness, (ЁЯНЛЁЯНЗЁЯНУЁЯНЙЁЯННЁЯМ▒ЁЯМ┐☘ЁЯНАЁЯНДЁЯНН ) and exercises to our body  and mind...(

Than trying to remove diseases....


Listen please....

The other day I was preparing fresh lime water for the first time.

 I ended up adding five times the amount of lemon than needed.

  I tasted it..

so sour....

 I had to correct it anyhow.

 How I wish I could remove some lemon juice from water to make it taste perfect again!

But alas! Some things can never be  undone.  Some things can never be changed.

 There was no way to remove the extra lime.

 So what was the solution then?

The only way to correct this was to add four more glasses of water and dilute the lemon juice to make five glasses of fresh lime water.

This made me think..

 Sometimes we cannot undo some things that have gone wrong in life.

 Some wrong decisions, wrong choices, wrong investments, wrong actions, wrong associations, wrong words or wrong doings can never be undone.

So what is the solution then?

When you cannot correct what is wrong, do not waste more time over it.

  It is like attempting to remove lemon from water. Instead, get busy in adding so many right things in your life that the wrong seems insignificant.

We all have a negative side to ourselves. We may not be able to remove or correct all our negativities.

But we can definitely continue adding positive thoughts, positive reading and positive people in our lives and dilute the negativity.

We all have to deal with some easy people and some difficult people in our lives.

Do not waste time trying to change the difficult people.

 You will drain all your emotional energy in vain.

 Instead spend more time with the pleasant positive happy people and the difficult people will not affect you any more.

Everything in your life will never be perfect. Do not waste too much time correcting what is wrong.

 Get busy doing the right things and eat live natural ways ..............

That's good .....

Hope u understand....

Go ahead.

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