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Thursday, 2 April 2020

A Case Of Suspected Corona Treated Successfully With Homeopathy

Homeopathy having great history of prevention of many epidemics since 220years, ~ why not in corona?

As We all know well, the effectiveness of homeopathy in different epidemics and pandemics in the past,  with great successes...

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Why not in corona virus disease? Covid-19

*Homeopathy appeals, not only chiefly, but solely to the verdict of experience, “repeat the experiments, repeat them carefully and accurately, and you will find the doctrine confirmed at every step” -Samuel Hahnemann*

In the past, epidemics of Dengue fever has well responded with Eupatorium in homeopathy. Its well known fact..

As we well know, Homeopathy approaches Covid-19 cases in 2 ways: 

1. For prophylaxis *disease specific approach*,  (Genus epidemicus)

2. For treatments to affected cases  *individual specific* solutions (individual similimum)

As I worked well with *disease specific approach for Covid-19*, arrived Ars. album as the best  Genus epidemicus.

Here we going to arrive Genus epidemicus as per Hahnemann’s genuine homeopathy methodology.

Before that we can discuss different possibilities…

*Genus epidemicus*

(Aphorism 101&241)

The carefully observing physician can, however, from the examination of even the first and second patients, often arrive so nearly at a knowledge of the true state as to have in his mind a characteristic portrait of it, and even to succeed in finding a suitable, homoeopathically adapted remedy for it.

§ 241

Epidemics of intermittent fever, in situations where none are endemic, are of the nature of chronic diseases, composed of single acute paroxysms; each single epidemic is of a peculiar, uniform character common to all the individuals attacked, and when this character is found in the totality of the symptoms common to all, it guides us to the discovery of the homoeopathic (specific) remedy suitable for all the cases, which is almost universally serviceable in those patients who enjoyed tolerable health before the occurrence of the epidemic, that is to say, who were not chronic sufferers from developed psora.


Here are four situations…

We can discuss, what is the procedure to be followed in each situation?

Also we can think which principle of Hahnemann was followed for each case?

*Situation 1*

Person who is healthy (i.e. he/she does not have visible corona virus symptoms) and also does not have any psoric symptoms.

In above situation, are preventive remedies required. If yes, what is the preventive remedy to be given


Write yours… Then Check with right answer mentioned at the end of this article.

*Situation 2*

Person who is healthy (i.e. he/ she does not have corona virus symptoms), but has one or more psoric symptoms.

In this situtation, what should be the treatment approach. Can preventive medicine still be adminstered in this situtaion?

If answer is yes, which are the preventive remedies?

If answer is no, then what will be the remedies in this situation and in what order should these remedies be administered?

*Situation 3*

Who is suffering with corona virus symptoms, but does not have a history of psoric symptoms.

In this situation, what should be the treatment approach? Will you still give preventive remedies?

If no, then what will be the remedies in this situation, and in what order should these remedies be administered?

*Situation 4*

Person who is suffering with corona virus symptoms, and also has a history of psoric symptoms.

In this situation, what should be the treatment approach?

What will be the remedies in this situation and in what order should these remedies be administered?

Answers for each individual situations are here…

Situation 1

If there is exposure give medicine.

Situation 2

Give preventive medicine if there is exposure.

We are sure at this time Ars. alb. LM1 medicine can be used successfully.

Situation 3

Treat the person who is sick by using the presenting symptoms.

(Individual similimum)

Situation 4

Treat the person who is sick by using the presenting symptoms.

(Individual similimum) and finish up the treatment with antipsoric.


There are excellent medicines in Homoeopathy to prevent/cure Corona Virus.

*For Prevention*

ARSENICUM ALBUM LM1 daily morning 5ml and evening 5ml for 5days

How to use?!

It is so simple…

Take an 150ml size Amber glass bottle.

Fill it with 100 ml of water.

Put a single pill of Arsenic album lm1 homeopathic medicine,.

in that water.

Then Give 10 strong succussions (how to do succussions

From this Take 1 tablespoon solution (15ml)

Pour into glass which contains 10 tablespoons (150 ml) of water

Give 10 strong stirs with the spoon.

Administer one teaspoon (5ml) of this solution to the patient.

For Prevention & Cure *Precautions*

1.Take all the precautions about cleanliness and hygiene, like social (media) distancing.

2. Consume more VitaminC and sunbathing to build natural immunity, Do not consume junk food , icy, packed foods and non-veg foods.

3.Kindly take medical help from nearby homeopathic doctor, when there is a need. Do not neglect.

One case of suspected corona treated successfully with homoeopathy (patient were in isolation, treated by tele communication)

On March 21st We had an opportunity to treat a  corona suspected case (not confimed with laboratory reports PCR) complaints with fevers and difficulties in respirations (mostly aggravations in midnight) with lot of fear and restlessness,   (also she is an allopathic physician doing radiology DMRD in abroad).

We observed with Arsalb LM3 (previously with lm1,2) every 30mins

Under isolation with allopathic hospital itself

Please check patient’s own day book, (patient were in isolation, treated by tele communication)

March 22nd

Mild lower abdominal discomfort, advised Phos LM1

March 23


Sir. This is Dr…. Yesterday night 8pm Left eye retrobulbar pain for few minutes, followed by discomfort. Today morning woke up with increased left eye discomfort with photophobia, better by hot application and aggravated burning by cold application. Mild dull left temple and retrobulbar pain now obvious. Both ears got some flight take off landing feel, some minute crawling feel more on left side. Now 15 mins back few minutes of left ear pain. While woke up time, mild stitching pain in central chest, Trachea or bronchi…

Then and there flash of pain over few areas of chest

No fever other symptoms.

Advised Ars. alb. LM 4 redynamized aqueous solutions

March 28th

She is absolutely fine now.

 Nux vomica LM1 to finish treatment. (As per Hahnemann’s experiments)

Sources attached.

Here master Hahnemann mentioned as ever increasing(modified doses aphorism ~247) doses of camphor for influenza as an invaluable palliative. Nux vomica as curative.

Since every epidemic/pandemics are different in its character.

We have to focus on finding what suits the present pandemic.

Homeopathy appeals, not only chiefly, but solely to the verdict of experience, “repeat the experiments, repeat them carefully and accurately, and you will find the doctrine confirmed at every step” -Samuel Hahnemann

Our appeal to our Prime Minister of India…

Dear Prime Minister, as we well knew, Homeopathy having great successful prophylactic history in many different epidemics and pandemics over 220 years. 

In this current scenario homeopathy medicines having great prophylaxis and  treatment as well.    Homeopathy approaches covid19 cases in 2ways: 

1. for prophylaxis *disease specific approach*, 

2.for treatments to affected cases  *individual specific* solutions 

As i worked well with *disease specific approach for Covid-19*, as CCRH announced Arsenicum album, as a prophylactic medicine, my analysis also very similar with CCRH , Ars. alb. as prophylactic medicine. 

As we all know well, that homeopathy is the safest and side effects free medicine, which is the second largest system of medicine practice’s all over the world. 

As we are  patriotic with our nation and homeopathy, we homeopaths dedicated ourselves in previous dengue epidemics with great successful prophylactic history. 

We request our Prime Minister, to save our people’s,  its very urgent to implement homeopathic prophylaxis at the earliest in India.


Dr A.A.P.sivakumaran
Genuine Homoeopathy Clinical Research Centre,
Tamil Nadu (India)

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