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Monday, 20 April 2020

What is Miasm?!


Actually, What is miasm according to Hahnemann?!

Miasm = infection

*Miasm from Hahnemann's chronic diseases following...*

Hahneman's classification is most logical and reliable, and simple to analysis and treat diseases of mankind

All diseases of mankind had been divided into..

1. Acute diseases
        a.  Individual type (those diseases with chronic miasma at its background for acute exabaration.
        b.  Epidemic diseases

        c.  Sporadic/ pandemic

2. Chronic diseases - diseases those cause by chronic miasma as from following..

      a. Venereal miasma - disease occurring from sexually transmitted diseases
           i. Sycosis - diseases arising from Maltreated or  insufficiently treated gonorrhoeal pathogen background diseases

        ii. Syphilis - disease arising from mal-treated or incompletely treatment or treated with opposite medicines , with syphitic pathogen at background

      b.  Non-Venereal miasma - all those disease arising from non-venereal origin diseases , which are not venereal  are non-venereal, background of all these disease is one or some sorts of ''itch disease'' with or without eruption of skin . This type is called psora which comprises almost 85% of diseases of mankind..

Miasmic disease is aquired disease.

 In able to aquire a disease we need to be exposed to the contagious element.

Pathogen/germ/ In old fashioned words MIASM

 A miasm is a disease aquired by contagion.

Some miasms are acute - chicken pox , influenza , typhoid...

Others,  psora ,sycosis and syphilis
 become chronic diseases ....

 Especially when the skin eruption is destroyed.

 Hahnemann gave us many many examples of suppressed skin eruptions resulting in serious disease.

Hahnemann categorised miasm with only 2 category
1. Venereal miasm
2. Non-Venereal miasm

*Voice of Hahnemann*

Most painstaking observations as to the aid afforded by the anti-psoric remedies which were added in the first of these eleven years have taught me evermore, how frequently not only the moderate, but also the more severe and the most severe, chronic diseases are of this origin.

This observation taught me that not only most of the many cutaneous eruptions which Willan distinguishes with such extreme care from one another, and which have received separate names, but also almost all adventitious formations, from the common wart on the finger up to the largest sarcomatous tumor, from the malformations of the finger-nails up to the swellings of the bones and the curvature of the spine, and many other softenings and deformities of the bones, both at an early and at a more advanced age, are caused by the Psora.

So, also, frequent epistaxis, the accumulation of blood in the veins of the rectum and the anus, discharges of blood from the same (blind or flowing piles), haemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, and deficient as well as too frequent menstrual discharges, night-sweats of several year’s duration, parchment-like dryness of the skin, diarrhoea of many years, standing, as well as permanent constipation and difficult evacuation of the bowels, long-continued erratic pains, convulsions occurring repeatedly for a number of years, chronic ulcers and
inflammations, sarcomatous enlargements and tumors, emaciation, excessive sensitiveness as well as deficiencies in the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling; excessive
as well as extinguished sexual desire; diseases of the mind and of the soul, from imbecility up to ecstasy, from melancholy up to raging insanity; swoons and vertigo; the so-called diseases of the heart; abdominal complaints and all that is comprehended under hysteria and hypochondria - in short, thousands of tedious ailments of humanity called by pathology with various names, are, with few exceptions, true descendants of this many formed Psora alone.

Hahnemann mentioned TB and cancer under psora and malaria is an acute disease.

Many believe and even teaching wrong informations in the name of homeopathy...

Psora - deficiency/functional disturbance
Sycosis - overgrowth
Syphilis - destruction

Is it true ?


Not according to Hahnemann...

it is not what Hahnemann said...tumours ,warts,cancer everything mentioned under psora by Hahnemann...

After learning chronic diseases,  that miasmatic symptoms are the symptoms that occur as consequence of infections with contagion(germs)... If it self terminate itself it is named acute miasms...if it last life long it is termed chronic....except sexually transmitted diseases all other infectious diseases and it's consequences are put under general term psora.

Actually Hahnemann means the disposition to be infected by psora is present in all individuals under all circumstances it is infected by touch of infection in normal skin ( without damage also)....So psora infection is found in almost all persons....and this psora leads to (predisposes to) numerous secondary chronic ailments..

Dear Doctors ,

Before started studying Hahnemann's writings,

I wish to point out one word ..

*'wont'*  This word appears in many Hahnemann writings...

*this ancient word actually means frequently ....not as wouldn't.*

Courtesy tikva sanjay and friends

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