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Sunday, 6 December 2020

Hahnemann's letter of thanks


To Dr.Stapf: Dear Colleague,

I can bear much joy and sorrow, but I was hardly able to stand the surprise of so many, and such strong proofs of the kindness and affection of my pupils and friends, with which was overwhelmed on the 10th of August. Now that I gradually regain my mental equilibrium and ponderingly examine each single present which was presented to me with such kindness of heart, I wonder more and more, one the large number of rich and handsome presents, elegantly executed in good taste,. and at the expenditure of much labour with such kind intention. I have not deserved it. These are gifts of generosity. delicacy and excessive gratitude, whose value I fully appreciate. May those who originated the idea of bestowing this great joy upon me, live long and prosper.

I beg of you to kindly communicate these feeble utterances of mine to those concerned, and to keep a large portion for yourself.

Convey my cordial greetings and appreciation to our friends Rummel, Gross, Franz and Gerstorff. I remain your devoted,


Cothen, 18th August, 1829.

To Dr. STapf:

Dearest friend, Your have rendered an immense service to me by your appropriately arranged collection and publication of my Lesser Medical Writings, amplified by those very necessary notes, and if I may be so vain as top consider my work in that light, you have rendered a service to humanity; but I think you have almost given too high an estimate of me in your excellent preface. In short, I am very much beholden to you. Would you believe it? It is only within the last few days that, owing to an accumulation of work, I have been able, properly to look through your kind well-planned, and well-executed undertaking.

I do not know how I am still able top get through such a quantity of work. But what we do so willingly, only fatigues us till bedtime, and in the morning, thank God, there is a completely return to strength.

I must close to-day with kindest regards from my family to you, your wife and family, and also from me.

Your friend,


Cothen, 28th September, 1829

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