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Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Advantages of LM potencies
Important Advantages of the LM scale in your day today clinical research?
1) The main advantage in using the LM potencies is that aggravations can usually be avoided.
If an aggravation does occur, it is usually mild compared to the C-scale.
2. The practitioner can tell whether the remedy is correct within short time,
because the patient should begin to feel relief after a few doses of the medicine.
Try LM potencies in few cases in your practice, you can easily understand the advantages
Monday, 8 October 2018
Sunday, 7 October 2018
Gentleness of homeopathic doses
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Hahnemann's genuine homeopathy
*Totality of symptoms* to know the maladies.
*Drug provings in healthy human beings* to know remedies.
*Similimum* means most similar medicine.
*Simile* means exact similar medicine
*Best time to administer antipsoric medicine is in morning* (better after clyster)
Other wise administration of well selected remedies *(simile) in evening shortly before going to sleep*
The best time for taking a dose of an anti-psoric medicine is early in the morning *while fasting; no food or drink should be taken* within half an hour after.
After taking the medicine, the *patient should keep perfectly quiet at least a full hour, but without going to sleep,* avoiding mental exertion of any kind as well".
"To females, anti-psoric remedies *should not be given immediately before or during menstruation,* not until four days after the flow has commenced".
*Pregnancy offers a most favorable time for the administration of anti-psoric remedies*, the organism being then in a specially receptive state for the eradication of chronic and inherited disease tendencies.
*Modified doses*
Each time slightly heightened dynamized dosing from previous dose is compulsory if there is repetition of same remedy.
*Descending orders of potencies of same remedies administration advisable* where patients having great irritabilities with extreme debility.
*Dilutions and potencies (dynamizations)*
Medicines are proved in healthy human beings mostly with simple lower dilutions, less with dynamizations..
After 1833 Hahnemann recommended all provings to be made therewith 30th dilution.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
LM scale in practice
In our clinical research,
we have seen many cases, while applying LM scale, they classically got end aggravations after getting cured.
Simply saying,
After administering the right remedy,
In C scale, initial aggravations come first, then amelioration, then cure.
In LM scale, amelioration first, then cure, then end aggravations.
If we continue the similimum again and again, it leads to proving. But aggravations last for very very lesser time, almost negligible when compared to C-scale.
Formula to remember easily follows:
Initial aggravations ↑, then amelioration ↓, then cure = is Cscale
Initial amelioration ↓, then cure =, then end aggravations↑ is LMscale.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
What is homeopathy?
What is Homeopathy?
The basic question about
"What is Homeopathy" simply defined here...
The Life and Letters of Dr Samuel Hahnemann
By Thomas Lindsley Bradford, M.D.
Master Hahnemann's teachings which he has left to science may be briefly summed up in a few comprehensive aphorisms :
Diseases are healed by similar ones ; i.e., through medicaments which in the healthy man produce the characteristic symptoms of the disorder to be combatted.
The strength and the effectiveness of medicaments are only discovered by experiments with the pure matter on the healthy body ; its purity ; i.e., its unity is the indispensable condition of its efficacy.
The motion which is communicated to the medicines at their preparation gives them a force which is multiplied through the division of their parts, whereby their spiritual qualities are developed, and by the similarity of their nature they can thus directly come to the aid of the suffering organs.
The diseases with which men are afflicted are divided into three great classes : the acute, the epidemic and the chronic or psoric diseases. But the same medicaments cannot be used with each one of these three great classes of human diseases, every disease is individual, the original element of disease modifies itself according to the bodily constitution, according to former processes in the body, and according to the mental and physical state of the subject.
'The Homoeopath must therefore carefully search out the various symptoms which constitute the morbid state of the patient, and must seek out that medicament for its cure which in the healthy body causes symptoms which are as nearly as possible similar to those of the diseases to be treated. The Homoeopathic medicaments are therefore in a certain degree individual like the accidents of disease.
Nature has richly supplied man in the plants, the metals, and in the apparently dead matter, with the most effective and varied remedies, all that it needs is to discover them ; but this can only be done through constant experimenting carried on for many years.
The Homoeopathic Materia Medica contains the enumeration of a great number of curative peculiarities and properties in the realm of Nature, but it has still before it a whole series of observations and discoveries immeasurable as Nature itself.
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
"Cheerful methods of life" -Hahnemann
"Cheerful methods of life"
Happiness of life concerns serenity
Letter to patient on "cheerful methods of life"
By Master.Hahnemann
This is portion of letter to his patient, who was a tailor in Gotha and died at the age of ninety-two, is so filled with advice that must be of benefit to every one in this age of haste that it is given here....
"My Dear Mr. .......
" For the present I must say that you are on the fair road to health, and the chief sources of your malady cut off. One source still remains, and it is the cause of your last relapse.
Man (the delicate human machine) is not constituted for overwork, he cannot overwork his powers or faculties with impunity.
If he does so from ambition, love of gain, or other praiseworthy or blameworthy motive, he sets himself in opposition to the order of nature, and his body suffers injury or destruction.
All the more if his body is already in a weakened condition ; what you cannot accomplish in a week you can do in two weeks. If your customers will not wait they cannot fairly expect that you will for their sakes make yourself ill and work yourself to the grave, leaving your wife a widow and your children orphans.
It is not only the greater bodily exertion that injures you, it is even more the attendant strain on the mind, and the overwrought mind in its turn affects the body injuriously. If you do not assume an attitude of cool indifference, adopting the principle of living first for yourself and only secondly for others, then there is small chance of your recovery.
Men you are in your grave men will still be clothed, perhaps not as tastefully, but still tolerably well.
" If you are a philosopher you may become healthy, you may attain to old age. If anything annoys you give no heed to it ; if anything is too much for you have nothing to do with it ; if any one seeks to drive you go slowly and laugh at the fools who wish to make you unhappy. What you can do comfortably that do ; what von cannot do don't bother yourself about.
"Our temporal circumstances are not improved by overpressure at work. You must spend proportionately more in your domestic affairs, and so nothing is gained. Economy, limitation of superfluities (of which the hard worker has often very few) place us in a position to live with greater comfort- that is to say, more rationally, more intelligently, more in accordance with nature, more cheerfully, more quietly, more healthily.
Thus we shall act more commendably, more wisely, more prudently, than by working in breathless hurry, with our nerves, constantly overstrung, to the destruction of the most precious treasure of life, calmly happy spirits and good health.
"Be you more prudent, consider yourself first, let everything else be of only secondary importance for you. And should they venture to assert that you are in honor bound to do more than is good for your mental and physical powers, even then do not, for God's sake, allow yourself to be driven to do what is contrary to your own welfare.
Remain deaf to the bribery of praise, remain cold and pursue your own course slowly and quietly like a wise and sensible man. To enjoy with tranquil mind and body, that is what man is in the world for, and only to do as much work as will procure him the means of enjoyment --- certainly not to excoriate and wear himself out with work.
" The everlasting pushing : and striving of blinded mortals in order to gain so and so much, to secure some honor or other, to do a service to this or that great personage - this is generally fatal to our welfare, this is a common cause of young people ageing and dying before their time.
" The calm, cold-blooded man, who lets things softly glide, attains his object also, lives more tranquilly and healthily, and attains a good old age.
And this leisurely man sometimes lights upon a lucky idea, the fruit of serious original thought, which shall give a much more profitable impetus to his temporal affairs than can ever be gained by the overwrought man who can never find time to collect his thoughts. –
" In order to win the race, quickness is not all that is required. Strive to obtain a little indifference, coolness and calmness, then you will be what I wish you to be.
Then you will see marvellous things ; you will see how healthy you will become by following my advice. Then shall your blood course through your blood vessels calmly and sedately, without effort and without heat. No horrible dreams disturb the sleep. of him who lies down to rest without highly strung nerves.
The man who is free from care wakes in the morning without anxiety about the multifarious occupations of the day. What does he care ?
The happiness of life concerns him more than anything else. With fresh vigor he sets about his moderate work, and at his meals nothing, no ebullitions of blood, no cares, no solicitude of mind hinders him from relishing what the beneficent Preserver of Life sets before him.
And so one day follows another in quiet succession, until the final day of advanced age brings him to the termination of a well spent life, and he serenely reposes in an other world as he has calmly lived in this one.
"Is not that more rational, more sensible ? Let restless, self destroying men act as irrationally, as injuriously towards themselves as they please ; let them be fools. But be you wiser !
Do not let me preach this wisdom of life in vain. I mean well to you.
" Farewell, follow my advice, and when all goes well with you, remember.
"DR. S. Hahnemann
"P. S.- Should you be reduced to your last sixpence, be still cheerful and happy.
Providence watches over us, and a lucky chance makes all right again.
How much do we need in order to live, to restore our powers by food and drink, to shield ourselves from cold and heat ?
Little more than good courage ; when we have that the minor essentials we can find without much trouble. The wise man needs but little. Strength that is husbanded needs not to be renovated by medicine."
The Life and Letters of Dr Samuel Hahnemann
By Thomas Lindsley Bradford, M.D.
Presented by Dr Robert Séror
Monday, 23 July 2018
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Important note regarding LM scale
Practical application..
Hahnemann clearly states in 6th edition of organon
Ie, End aggravation, in LM potency,
Hope some more understanding needed here.
Hahnemann does not expect a similar aggravation in the beginning of his treatment with LMpotencies,
but only at the end when a cure is almost obtained .
only then do we see a similar aggravation AND accessory symptoms belonging to the remedy.
This is one of the great difference from the centisimal scale.
with the centisimal scale there is similar aggravation it is at the beginning of therapy,, then amileration after applied right remedy.
With LM potencies the similar aggravation occurring at the end of the natural disease happens at a movement when patients vital force has almost completely been liberated from natural disease.
hence it takes little time and effort when the aggravation is recognized by alert homoeopath.
Homeopathy in children
From doctorsivakumaran desk:
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Homeopathy in renal calculus
Homeopathy having great scope in renal and biliary (gallbladder) stones..
Without surgery and shedding blood...
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Making the patients to get understanding about homeopathy
" It is to be supposed that Homoeopathy can perform miracles, but it cannot do that, least of all where the patient is not quite a convert to your system, nor so conversant with it as to presume that beyond our art there is no cure for him.
Entirely unacquainted as this gentleman is with our art, he will be unable to withstand the persuasions of his Allopathic friends to give up, and to allow himself to be done to death in some bathing place by doctors of the old school.
" I tell you again you will not be able to prevent this. Even had he implicit confidence, which he has not, you would not be able to restore him in less than a year. So I advise you to get rid of him and not to take any more such difficult cases among persons of rank until you can assert your dignity and ensure obedience to your absolute commands, which must be unquestioningly obeyed.
So the gentleman wants to make it a condition that he shall drink wine and coffee ! For God'ssake let him take himself off, he will do you no credit !
" All my patients of rank affected with chronic diseases must have read the 'Organon' and Boenninghausen's Homoeopathy, otherwise I will not undertake their treatment.
Yours sincerely,
Samuel Hahnemann
Coethen, August 24, 1829."
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Best type of immunization
The best immunization for children is not available with medical systems..
But it is allowing children to play well with nature.
- doctorsivakumaran
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Fees for Homeopathic prescription?
Master hahnemann advise to,
How much fees we can collect from patients,?
Don't collect fixed fees from all patients..
Know the economy of the patients well...
Collect well from rich, please show mercy to poorer and collect minimum or nil.
Compiled by doctorsivakumaran
Right of the physician to be well paid
"Dear Friend and Colleague,
Your kind visit on the 10th of April must, on account of its shortness, be regarded more as a compliment to me than as a full visit.
" Doubtless such a title as that of medical counselor has now this advantage, that it enables the physician to obtain better fees ; and it is particularly useful to the Homoeopath, as it serves to humiliate the enemies of his art ; but even were it not so, it is advisable for the plain Homoeopathic doctor to attach so much value to his infinitely better mode of treatment that even without any title he should demand larger fees ; at all events he should make patients affected with chronic diseases pay (beforehand) a monthly honorarium, and take from poorer persons at each consultation (and dispensing of medicines) some payment (were it only a few pence, he should take payment at each visit).
" In this way only is it possible for the medical man never to go unremunerated, and it keeps him a good humor when he gets ready money for his trouble.
Even these small fees, if they are paid at every visit and never neglected, accumulate unobservedly to a considerable sum, and the patient who pays every time scarcely misses them from his purse, because he only parts with them gradually ; and when he is cured or leaves off before he ought to, we are done with him ; he has no claim on us nor we on him, and he takes leave of us, if not with contentment and gratitude, at all events without unwillingness, the sums he has gradually parted with are forgotten by him, and the doctor has what was justly his, and the money collects in the doctor's purse without any regret on the part of the patient.
" On the other hand, how disagreeable is it for the physician who has to send in his account at the last when the patient has quite forgotten his gradual recovery and the great trouble the doctor has had, ut fieri solet.
" Since I have commenced my successful mode of treatment, I have never sent in a demand after the treatment was over, but always done as above stated. Whenever the payment at each visit of the poorer classes, and the monthly payments of the richer ones, shall be generally introduced, and patients not know any other method of payment, then every one will bring his money with him as a matter of course, or will send it every month by the post, and then business will go on without grumbling.
" If the doctor himself is a good economist he may, if he is a skillful Homoeopathist, be able to earn and lay by something.
"When Gross was here last I put him up to this plan, and he cannot think enough of the good effect it has had on his practice during the last half year ; he has become quite another man.
"I could convince you of all this much more effectually by word of mouth. He who does not know how to take payment for the assistance he dispenses is unable to form a proper estimation of himself and of his art.
" In his last letter written a few days ago Stapfdenies having got from you the article, 'On Natural Labor.'
This varians lectio no doubt is owing to the circumstance that he had forgotten to read it and seeks to excuse himself. I should like to have it again, for others wish to see it. If you are writing to him, beg him to mention in the Archiv with especial commendation the, exemption of the Brunswick Homoeopathists from the necessity of prescribing from the apothecary's shop - as he told Gross of Juter
bogk - in order to induce others to follow this example. Farewell till we meet again, which I trust will be soon, and believe me,
"Yours most sincerely,
" Sam. Hahnemann
doctor sivakumaran:
Regarding nipah virus
Modern medicine is based on Germ Theory,
they believe germs cause disease,
we don't go by their belief system.
*Germs are only product of disease and not the cause of disease.*
Germs are sweepers of accumulated filth, once filth is removed germs cannot sustain.
Nipah virus rumors
Don't bother with this idea of creating a fear of virus ....
A natural and healthy lifestyle with less susceptibility alone can prevent all diseases.
No virus can attack a healthy body.
Monday, 30 April 2018
சிக்கல்களுà®®் சின்னச் சின்ன தீà®°்வுகளுà®®்...
சிக்கல்களும் சின்னச் சின்ன தீர்வுகளும்...
ஆக்கம் மரு.சிவகுமரன் மதுரை...
*💐ஆரோக்கியச் சூடி💐*
(எளிய வழியில் உடல், மனம், உயிர் நல பராமரிப்பு வழிமுறைகள்)
1.குடலும், உடலும்
*குடல் சுத்தமே உடல் சுத்தம்*
2.குடல் சுத்தம் பெற...
*உடல் இயங்கினால் குடல் இயங்கும்*
உடலை நன்கு இயக்கு.
மலச்சிக்கல் நீங்கும்.
3.*எடையைக் குறைக்க*
*எடையைக் குறைக்க நடையைக் கூட்டு...*
4.பலம் பெற...
*பழங்களே பலம்*
5.பிணிகள் நீங்க...
*கனிகள் உண்டால் பிணிகள் நீங்கும்.
6. *"டோனா எடு -ஜோரா இரு"*
குடலைக் கழுவி உடலை வளர் -(உடல்)
(மருந்தென வேண்டாவாம் யாக்கைக்கு அருந்தியது அற்றது போற்றி உணின்)
7. *உலகத்தை அமைதியும் ஆரோக்கியமாக மாற்ற...*
(பசித்துப் பின் புசி)
(நொறுக்கி பின் உண்)
(ருசித்துப் பின் விழுங்கு)
உணவை மாற்றினால் உடல் மாறும்...
உடல் மாறினால் உள்ளம் மாறும்....
உள்ளம் மாறினால் உல்கம் மாறும்...
8. *"சாலட்( பசுமையான காய்கறி கலவை) சாப்பிடு - சௌக்கியமா இரு"*
காய்களை உண்டால் நோய்கள் நீங்கும்..
(தூய்மையான நீர் காய்களில் கனிகளில் உள்ளது) (நீர்)
9. "சூரிய ஒளியில் (sunbath)குளி- வலி நீங்கிக் களி"
(Recently we founded this, in a case of Ca Lt breast after total mastectomy and chemotherapy she was developed secondaries and metastasis. Along with thrombosis developed in deep arteries. She improving well with our homeopathic Arnica in LM, with sunbath daily 30 mins helped her lot to reduce oedemas)
*சூரிய ஒளி நல்வாழ்விற்கான வழி*
10. *"காற்றைக் குடி -ஆற்றலைப் பெருக்கு"*
வாசி ஒருவன் வசப்பட்டால் மனமும் அவன் வசமாகும்...
"சளியே வா வெளியே " என உடல் நுண்கழிவகற்றும்.
(வளி- பிராணாயாமம்)
*"வயிறு காலி - வாழ்க்கை ஜாலி"* (வெளி- f(e)asting)
"லங்கணம் பரஒளக்ஷதம்"
நோயிலே படுப்பதென்ன கண்ண பெருமானே......
நோன்பிலே உயிர்ப்பதென்ன கண்ணபெருமானே...
12. *மன நலம் காக்க*...
வாய்விட்டுச் சிரி...
நோய்விட்டுப் போகும்..
"மகிழ்வித்து மகிழ்"..
"வாழ்த்தி வாழ்" (வாழ்கவளமுடன்)
*To avoid open heart surgery*
(If you open your heart to nature...
Doctor will never open your heart)
நலமான வாழ்த்துக்களுடன்
டாக்டர் சிவகுமரன் மதுரை.
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Antipsoric medicines according to Hahnemann?
What are all Antipsoric medicines according to Hahnemann?
Antipsoric medicines are listed below by Hahnemann, from The Chronic Diseases
Agaricus muscarius
Ammonium carbonicum
Ammonium muriaticum
Anacardium orientale
Antimonium crudum
Arsenicum album
Aurum muriaticum
Baryta carbonica
Borax venata
Calcarea carbonica
Carbo animalis
Carbo vegetabilis
Clematis erecta
Conium maculatum
Digitalis purpurea
Hepar sulphuris calcareum
Kali carbonicum
Magnesia carbonica
Magnesia muriatica
Muriaticum acidum
Natrum carbonicum
Natrum muriaticum
Nitri acidum
Phosphoricum acidum
Silicea terra
Sulphuricum acidum
Master Hahnemann About genuine Homeopath(y)
Genuine homeopath(y)
-Master Hahnemann in chronic diseases
As to the second chief error in the cure of chronic diseases (the unhomœopathic choice of the medicine) the homœopathic beginner (many, I am sorry to say, remain such beginners their life long) sins chiefly through inexactness, lack of earnestness and through love of ease.
With the great conscientiousness which should be shown in the restoration of a human life endangered by sickness more than in anything else, the Homœopath, if he would act in a manner worthy of his calling, should investigate first the whole state of the patient, the internal cause as far as it is remembered, and the cause of the continuance of the ailments his mode of life, his quality as to mind, soul and body, together with all his symptoms (see directions in Organon), and then he should carefully find out in the work on Chronic Diseases as well as in the work on Materia Medica Pura a remedy covering in similarity, as far as possible, all the moments, or at least the most striking and peculiar ones, with its own peculiar symptoms; and for this purpose he should not be satisfied with any of the existing repertories, - a carelessness only too frequent; for these books are only intended to give light hints as to one or another remedy that might be selected, but they can never dispense him from making the research at the first fountain heads. He who does not take the trouble of treading this path in all critical and complicated diseases, and, indeed, with all patience and intelligence, but contents himself with the vague hints of the repertories in the choice of a remedy, and who thus quickly dispatches one patient after the other, does not deserve the honorable title of a genuine Homœopath, but is rather to be called a bungler, who on that account has continually to change his remedies until the patient loses patience; and as his ailments have of course only been aggravated he must leave this aggravator of diseases, whereby the art itself suffers discredit instead of the unworthy disciple of art.
doctor sivakumaran:
We can use repertories to find out group of similar remedies, but final deciding authority is materia Medica's (proving sources)
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Homeopathy is medicine for all living creature's....
Homeopathy is medicine for all living creature's....
Mother of baby squirrels died from drowning few days back.
Baby squirrels started continues shrieking...
Not took any food particles and milk or water... For 2days...
3rd day almost in fainting conditions..
Simply i added medicine (
Grief brooding - Ignatia amara) in small amount of water...
Then, we Opened the mouth and gave few drops from it...
Today started eating water, milk, pomegranates, boiled rice..
Now doing well, playing... No shrieking at all.
Full of peace...
For me too....
Monday, 1 January 2018
Phatak repertory
What are all Antipsoric medicines according to Hahnemann? Antipsoric medicines are listed below by Hahnemann, from The Chronic Disease...
doctor sivakumaran: A case of Alopecia Totalis A female aged 33 a doctor in modern medicine had complete loss of hair since 3months… S...
A case of Scald's In these covid19 lockdown days, almost e...