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Sunday, 6 December 2020

Hahnemann's letter of thanks


To Dr.Stapf: Dear Colleague,

I can bear much joy and sorrow, but I was hardly able to stand the surprise of so many, and such strong proofs of the kindness and affection of my pupils and friends, with which was overwhelmed on the 10th of August. Now that I gradually regain my mental equilibrium and ponderingly examine each single present which was presented to me with such kindness of heart, I wonder more and more, one the large number of rich and handsome presents, elegantly executed in good taste,. and at the expenditure of much labour with such kind intention. I have not deserved it. These are gifts of generosity. delicacy and excessive gratitude, whose value I fully appreciate. May those who originated the idea of bestowing this great joy upon me, live long and prosper.

I beg of you to kindly communicate these feeble utterances of mine to those concerned, and to keep a large portion for yourself.

Convey my cordial greetings and appreciation to our friends Rummel, Gross, Franz and Gerstorff. I remain your devoted,


Cothen, 18th August, 1829.

To Dr. STapf:

Dearest friend, Your have rendered an immense service to me by your appropriately arranged collection and publication of my Lesser Medical Writings, amplified by those very necessary notes, and if I may be so vain as top consider my work in that light, you have rendered a service to humanity; but I think you have almost given too high an estimate of me in your excellent preface. In short, I am very much beholden to you. Would you believe it? It is only within the last few days that, owing to an accumulation of work, I have been able, properly to look through your kind well-planned, and well-executed undertaking.

I do not know how I am still able top get through such a quantity of work. But what we do so willingly, only fatigues us till bedtime, and in the morning, thank God, there is a completely return to strength.

I must close to-day with kindest regards from my family to you, your wife and family, and also from me.

Your friend,


Cothen, 28th September, 1829

Treat the perceptable totality,, patient will be cured.


*Voice of Hahnemann* (aphorism 6&8)

"Takes note of nothing in every individual disease, *except the changes in the health of the body and of the mind"*

 "  he notices only the deviations from the former healthy state of the now diseased individual, which are felt by the patient himself, remarked by those around him and observed by the physician"

 The homeopath is  interested in concrete facts of the current state. Changes in health.

 *Signs and Symptoms*

 "All these perceptible signs represent the disease in its whole extent, that is, together they form the true and only conceivable portrait of the disease."

 The concrete changes in health that are felt by the patient and are observed by others are the things we need to know. *NO metaphors or INTERPRETATIONS are Allowed.* aphorism 6

நோய் அறிகுறிகள் அகற்றப்படும்போது நோய் நீக்கப்படும்.

 எதுவும் பின்னால் விடப்படவில்லை.

*Treat the Disease,  the patient will be cured*

Sources @ aphorism 8



Genuine homoeopathy clinical research center



*ஹனிமனின் குரல்*

*நோய்க் குறித்தொகுப்பை (present perceptable totality) குணமாக்குங்கள்* *நோயும் நோயாளியும் தானே குணமாவார்கள்*

*Treat the symptoms,  patient will be cured*

*"உடலின் மற்றும் மனதின் ஆரோக்கியத்தில் ஏற்படும் மாற்றங்களைத் தவிர, ஒவ்வொரு தனிப்பட்ட நோய்களிலும் எதையும் கவனிக்க வேண்டியதில்லை"*

 "இப்போது நோய்வாய்ப்பட்ட நபரின்,  முன்னாள் ஆரோக்கியமான நிலையில் இருந்து விலகல்களை மட்டுமே அவர் கவனிக்கிறார், அவை நோயாளியால் உணரப்படுகின்றன, அவரைச் சுற்றியுள்ளவர்களால் குறிப்பிடப்படுகின்றன மற்றும் மருத்துவரால் கவனிக்கப்படுகின்றன" 

 *ஹோமியோபதி தற்போதைய குறிகளின் உறுதியான உண்மைகளில் ஆர்வமாக உள்ளது.* ( *present perceptable totality*) ஆரோக்கியத்தில் ஏற்படும் மாற்றங்கள்


 *"இந்த உணரக்கூடிய அறிகுறிகள்* (perceptible sings and symptoms) அனைத்தும் நோயை அதன் முழு அளவிலும் குறிக்கின்றன, அதாவது, *அவை ஒன்றாக நோயின் உண்மையான மற்றும் ஒரே உருவப்படத்தை உருவாக்குகின்றன."*

 *நோயாளியால் உணரப்படும் மற்றும் பிறரால் கவனிக்கப்படும் ஆரோக்கியத்தில் ஏற்படும் உறுதியான மாற்றங்கள் நாம் தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டியவை.*  

*எந்த உருவகமும் அல்லது விளக்கமும் அனுமதிக்கப்படவில்

Friday, 4 December 2020

*Mahatma Gandhi on Vaccination*


*Mahatma Gandhi on Vaccination*

- *Vaccination is a barbarous practice,* and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time, not to be found even among the so-called savage races of the world.

- Its supporters are not content with its adoption by those who have no objection to it, but seek to impose it with the aid of penal laws and rigorous punishments on all people alike.

- No one can say that small-pox will necessarily attack those who have not been vaccinated; for many cases have been observed of unvaccinated people being free from its attack.

- From the fact that some people who are not vaccinated do get the disease, we cannot, of course, conclude that they would have been immune if only they had got themselves vaccinated.

- vaccination is a very dirty process, for the serum which is introduced into the human body includes not only that of the cow, but also of the actual small-pox patient.

- As has been well said, cowards die a living death, and our craze for vaccination is solely due to the fear of death or disfigurement by small-pox.

- I cannot also help feeling that vaccination is a violation of the dictates of religion and morality.

- The drinking of the blood of even dead animals is looked upon with horror even by habitual meat-eaters. Yet, what is vaccination but the taking in of the poisoned blood of an innocent living animal? Better far were it for God-fearing men that they should a thousand times become the victims of small-pox and even die a terrible death than that they should be guilty of such an act of sacrilege.

- Several of the most thoughtful men in England have laboriously investigated the manifold evils of vaccination, and an Anti-Vaccination Society has also been formed there. The members of this society have declared open war against vaccination, and many have even gone to gaol for this cause. Their objections to vaccination are briefly as follows: 

(1) The preparation of the vaccine from the udder of cows or calves entails untold suffering on thousands of innocent creatures, and this cannot possibly be justified by any gains resulting from vaccination. 

(2) Vaccination, instead of doing good, works considerable mischief by giving rise to many new diseases. Even its advocates cannot deny that, after its introduction, many new diseases have come into being. 

(3) The vaccine that is prepared from the blood of a small-pox patient is likely to contain and transmit the germs of all the several diseases that he may be suffering from. 

(4) There is no guarantee that small-pox will not attack the vaccinated. Dr. Jenner, the inventor of vaccination, originally supposed that perfect immunity could be secured by a single injection on a single arm; but when it was found to fail, it was asserted that vaccination on both the arms would serve the purpose; and when even this proved ineffectual, it came to be held that both the arms should be vaccinated at more than one place, and that it should also be renewed once in seven years. Finally, the period of immunity has further been reduced to three years! All this clearly shows that doctors themselves have no definite views on the matter. The truth is, as we have already said, that there is no saying that small-pox will not attack the vaccinated, or that all cases of immunity must needs be due to vaccination. 

(5) The vaccine is a filthy substance, and it is foolish to expect that one kind of filth can be removed by another.

By these and similar arguments, this society has already produced a large volume of public opinion against vaccination. In a certain town, for instance, a large proportion of the people refuse to be vaccinated, and yet statistics prove that they are singularly free from disease. The fact of the matter is that it is only the self-interest of doctors that stands in the way of the abolition of this inhuman practice, for the fear of losing the large incomes that they at present derive from this source blinds them to the countless evils which it brings. There are, however, a few doctors who recognise these evils and who are determined opponents of vaccination.

Those who are conscientious objectors to vaccination should, of course, have the courage to face all penalties or persecutions to which they may be subjected by law, and stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction. Those who object to it merely on the grounds of health should acquire a complete mastery of the subject, and should be able to convince others of the correctness of their views, and convert them into adopting those views in practice. But those who have neither definite views on the subject nor courage enough to stand up for their convictions should no doubt obey the laws of the state, and shape their conduct in deference to the opinions and practices of the world around them.

A Guide to Health


Mahatma Gandhi.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Guidelines to Administration of Antipsoric medicine(s) in females

 Voice of Hahnemann


When we should administer antipsoric medicine to females?

Hahnemann's voice:

The dose of antipsoric medicine must not be taken by females shortly before their menses are expected, nor during their flow; but the dose can be given, if necessary, four days, i.e., about ninety-six hours after the menses have set in. 

But in case the menses previously have been premature or too profuse, or two long-lasting, it is often necessary to give on this fourth day a small dose of nux vomica (one very small pellet, moistened with a high dynamization) to be smelled, and then, on the fourth or sixth day following, the antipsoric.

 But if the female is very sensitive and nervous, she ought, until she comes near her full restoration, to smell such a pellet once about every time seventy-two hours after the beginning of her menses,

 notwithstanding her continued antipsoric treatment.


-----< Page - 138 >-----  chronic diseases by Hahnemann (father of homeopathy)


Thursday, 1 October 2020

Dr.C.M.Boger on vaccination

Dr.C.M.Boger on vaccination:

" Aside from their acute dangers serums(vaccines) are palliatives as well as causing defective elimination; they lower reactive power and force the vital power into more sluggish channels where response is much slower. 

This is fully shown by the presence of retention changes in the iris and the increased susceptibility to disease which follows.

 Injecting heterogeneous matter into the blood stream violates the laws of nature and is full of danger; being certainly a stepdown procedure."

*Serums (An early form of vaccines)-Tikva

 Aside from the acute danger of vaccines they cause "defective elimination" and "lower the reactive power"

Where the vital force becomes sluggish and has trouble eliminating the toxins.

We can see changes in the iris of the eyes. The body becomes more susceptible to disease

This violates the laws of nature and is dangerous.

Homœopathy in the nursery. by Dr. Margaret Lucy Tyler

 Homœopathy in the nursery.

by Dr. Margaret Lucy Tyler
Presented by Sylvain Cazalet

(Address at the Annual Meeting of the Children's Dispensary, Shepherd's Bush, and delivered at the L. H. H. in April, 1931.)

Dr Margaret Lucy TYLER (1857-1943)

     On this subject I consider myself qualified to speak : since I had the good fortune to be born into a Homœopathic Nursery.

     Our people have been homœopaths for three generations.

     Our Scotch Grandfather, Sir Charles Pasley, K. C. B., R. E., who died in 1861 used to come to Annual Meetings of this Hospital. I am told that his name appears in its annals, as moving resolutions. He became a very keen homœopath, because he was-a man of rare ability and intellect, and his life had been saved by Lachesis (one of our snake poisons) when he was desperately ill with pneumonia.

     My father and mother were not only keen homœopaths, but most successful prescribers, and that, not only for their own large family (there were twelve of us) but also for heaps of people, rich and poor. Where there is no homœopathic doctor within reach, it is wonderful what good prescribers certain persons, gifted that way, become ; and how impossible they find it, to keep the-saving power to themselves. My parents had grasped not only the Homœopathic Law of "Likes", that is, the treatment of sickness by remedies that are capable of producing a like sickness-(such as, Merc. cor. -corrosive sublimate- for dysentery, which in poisonous doses it can produce ; or Arsenic for ptomaine poisoning, whose symptoms are absolutely the same). But my people had gone further. They had mastered the rules of the game-the "Doctrines of Hahnemann" in regard to the administration of "like" medicine : -not only what to give, but when to give and when to stop. I remember how my mother used to remonstrate with me when, first qualified, I was prescribing homœopathic medicines in a way that she knew was wrong. "That is not homœopathy. In acute sickness when the patient is better -Stop".

     Several times my mother saved the life of one of her children, when -the case being too serious for her to take full responsibility- an allopathic doctor had to be called in. I remember one such case. It is so stamped on my memory that I even remember the Gospel lesson that we had been reading that Sunday afternoon ! I must have been eight or nine years old. One of the babies, over-fed by a stupid old monthly nurse, and far toafat, was indulging in broncho-pneumonia. I remember it so well. Hs was supposed to be dying, and I looked with awe on his blue lips and bins nails, as he gasped his little life oat. The doctor had had his innings, and failed. Then my mother, desperate, came in with her wee globules of Ant. tart. -that marvelous remedy for little children and old people, when the lungs are filling up, and the end is near. When the doctor returned a few hours later, the change was so amazing, that he merely came twice a day to watch the infant till it was safe, whilst he left the prescribing to my mother. That infant survived to command the Heavy Artillery of one of the Divisions in the Great War, and Homœopathy in the Nursery saved a Brig. General for the nation's hour of life-and-death struggle.

     Another time, of which my mother has told me, one of the small boys was ill with what was called English Cholera-and not a bad imitation, apparently, of the real thing. The doctor -a Homœopath this time- was at his wits' end ; the wee boy did not respond. At last he asked, "Is there any medicine that particularly suits this child ?" "Yes, Phosphorus," said my mother, and Phos. promptly ended that trouble.

     Looking back, I realize that, except when babies were making their appearance, there have been very few times when I can remember a doctor in the house. The doctor's bill was never an item of family expenditure-and that with father, mother, twelve children and half-a-dozen servants !

     Among my mother's most terrible -and successful- experiences was when her whole little family (happily only six of us had at that time arrived in the world) went down with smallpox. Not all at once. The agony was prolonged. Every fortnight there was a fresh victim or victims. The eldest boy had brought it back from school, "where there was a bad outbreak. The disease was probably modified by vaccination -we had all been successfully vaccinated- but not one escaped. She ascertained that she could get a local doctor at need -we were spending the boys' holidays in the Isle of Wight- but she could not contemplate the loss of homœopathy for her little people in such sickness. So she and an aunt worked through those nightmare weeks, with children smothered with horrible pustules-sometimes delirious-fretting and needing to be nursed and even carried about. She has told me how she had to nurse me in her arms through a whole night, singing a little German rhyme about the dead cat and the mice dancing for joy in the straw. But she got us through ; and we were none of us marked. That was indeed "some Homœopathy" ! -in the Nursery.

     She had great times with whooping-cough, measles, chicken-pox (for those who had not had smallpox), and these all came, "not as single spies, but in battalions" -because our name was legion. Then with all the minor ailments of a less serious character and more personal-colds and coughs-stomach-aches and sickness and diarrhœas-my parents abundantly proved the value of Homœopathy in the nursery. No wonder that they were keen homœopaths ! When my father, late in life, spent six months in Peru on behalf of the Peruvian Corporation, of which he was Chairman, he went armed with a little homœopathic medicine chest, and he told us how people used to come up to him after Sunday Service in Lima, "Oh, Sir Henry, I went you to prescribe for me !" He had learnt his Homœopathy in the nursery and had the common medicines at his finger tips.

     He was for many years on the Board of this Hospital, and as Chairman of the House Committee took a very active part in its management, and his last great act-really the outcome of Homœopathy in the nursery ! -was to provide for its extension. He said to me, "I have done my part, in enlarging the Hospital -you must do the rest !"- the rest being, to man it with homœopathic doctors. So you see I have inherited a great task, which I have toiled for many years to discharge.

     In our nursery there were two devoted nurses -sisters- who were with us for many years. My mother was very lucky, for they were a farmer's daughters, and vastly superior to the run of nurses in conscientiousness and intelligence. In their day there was always a small homœopathic nursery medicine chest, in whose use for emergencies they became very proficient. They had Aconite for sudden feverishness, Dulcamara where the little ones had been caught in the rain and got wet, and so on. I remember that Nux was dubbed by them "temper medicine" -not a bad description of the action of that remedy.

     But medicines have opposite actions. Nux only helps temper because of its power to evoke it-in sensitives. And my mother has told me how, in Church one Sunday, she suddenly remembered that she had given Nux that morning to one of the children, and how that "poor child" was always upset by Nux, and how she came home to find, as she expected, that he had been a perfect little demon. He was hypersensitive to Nux, and had "proved it".

     One of the amusements we used to provide for our mother and the nurses-so long as we lived by the river at Hampton Court -was croup, to which most of us were, on occasion, addicted ; wet feet or current buns were supposed to be among the exciting causes.

Baron Clemens Maria Franz Von BOENNINGHAUSEN (1785-1864)
Dr C. von Bœnninghausen

     And here the celebrated "Croup Powders", Aconite- Hepar and Spongia, saved the situation every time. For years these three homœopathic remedies, in the 200th potency, were sold by homœopathic chemists as five powders-to be taken in a certain order- should so many be required- Acon. -Spong. -Hepar -Spong. -Hepar -"Bœnninghausen's Croup Powders".

     I was not long out of the nursery when I made my own first experiment with Homœopathy. I was always a bit "uppish", and used to think, in my abysmal ignorance, "Why do we have these funny little globules ? Why don't we have doctors and proper medicines, like other people ?"

     Well, we were living at Wyvenhoe Hall, an old Domesday Book house in Essex, and my mother was away for a day's shopping, and I -perhaps fourteen years old- was the eldest at home ; when word came through that one of the housemaids was ill, in great pain, and that her ailment was "spasms".

     I consulted my mother's books and discovered Spasms-whatever they might be ! -and for Spasms- Nux. This was fine ! So the housemaid got Nux, -and I sensed POWER- for I had promptly cured my first case.

     I remember a very humorous cook of ours -an Essex woman- telling me about a small boy and his results with Homœopathy. His mother had a garden party, and one of the guests was taken ill : "So blessed if that little nipper didn't run off and get her some Pulsatilla, and it cured her too ! What do you make of that now ?"

     That is what Homœopathy is ! -so simple -so sure -so rapid in action- where you get the right remedy ; and a child may find it ! -that is to say, in the simple illness of healthy people. In the chronic sickness of diseased people it is not quite such a simple proposition.

     Now what I would plead for is a return to the good old days of our mothers, with a homœopathic medicine chest in every house ; and most certainly in every house where there are children.

     What should it contain ?

     First and foremost, Aconite. That quick-acting remedy, perfectly harmless in homœopathic potencies. It comes in for the effects of chill-fright-strain : such as restless feverishness- tossing and sleeplessness-bounding pulse-agonizing turmoil. In adults and in children, in sudden, superficial ailments, it is priceless. The sufferer turns over and sleeps his way back to health. Or, if some deeper condition is threatening, it will be modified by starting with Aconite for such symptoms.

     In these days everyone seems to resort to Aspirin, which masks symptoms-temporarily dulls pain-and cures nothing. Aconite soothes by curing.

     I would like to tell you of an early experience of the celebrated Dr. Burnett in Homœopathy : it is told in his brilliant little book, Fifty Reasons for being a Homœopath.

     He was out to prove Homœopathy "a lying sham"-a "therapeutic Nihilism". So he would try it at the bedside, and expose it- to an admiring profession.

     (It is a curious fact that some of the greatest homœopathic doctors of the past started just that way. They looked into Homœopathy -in order to disprove it- and of course they were caught.)

     Burnett was then in charge of a ward where sick children were -admitted and kept under observation till, a diagnosis made, they could be drafted off into the wards, as measles- pneumonia- rheumatism- or whatever it might be.

Dr James Compton Burnett with Topsy

     As feverish colds were just then prevalent, he put a few drops of Aconite tincture into a large bottle, and gave it to the nurse, with orders to administer it to all the children on one side of the ward as soon as they came in ; while the children on the other side of the ward were to have no Aconite, but the customary treatment.

     Next morning he got his shock. Nearly all the children on the Aconite side were feverless, and mostly at play in their cots ; one only had measles ; and he found that Aconite would not cure measles. Those on the non-Aconite side were worse -or no better- and had to be sent into hospital with localized inflammations- catarrhs, etc.

     This went on for days. The Aconite children were generally convalescent in twenty-four to forty-eight hours, except where the seemingly simple fever was the early stage of some specific disease -scarlet fever -measles -rheumatic fever. But most of the cases were genuine chills, and those Aconite cured right off.

     The nurse christened the bottle, "Dr. Burnett's Fever Bottle".

     Burnett was simply dumbfounded. He began to spend long night-hours studying Homœopathy.

     Then, when he entered his ward after an absence of a couple of days, the nurse seemed rather quiet and informed him that all the cases, she thought, might be discharged. "Indeed ? -How's that ?"

     "Well doctor, as you did not come round Sunday or Monday I gave them all your fever medicine. I hadn't the heart to see you go on with your cruel experiments. You are like all the young doctors that come here... you are only trying experiments !"

     So all the children got the benefit of Aconite so long as Dr J. Burnett was in charge in that place.

     And here you see the enormous advantage of Homœopathy on the spot, to abort promptly what, left alone, would be perhaps a serious illness.

     I showed you the Aconite picture, of restless fever and agonizing turmoil. Next you must have Belladonna, with its fiery-red face-dry, burning skin-bright eyes with big pupils-twitchings, and starlings in sleep-even to convulsions. You may see the Bell. picture in teethings ; or in the early stages of chest troubles ; or in scarlet fever-where it works miracles, modifying and controlling the disease, or even aborting it. I have seen this ; and Dr. Lambert, a very keen homœopath, told me, some years ago, "Either I don't give Belladonna, or I don't notify." Belladonna in scarlet fever had made a fool of him so often (in the eyes of Health Officers !).

     Then Calcarea, for the difficulties of teething. It helps babies and it helps little pigs ! For I get asked for Calcarea at our farm when little pigs are not doing too well. It makes them fine and strong, I am told. The Calcarea baby is late in teething ; a fat and flabby child ; inclined to be rickety and to soak its pillow at night, so greatly does the head perspire in sleep. When I took over the oat-patient children at the Hospital during the war I saw the marvelous effect at Calcarea in rickets-even in bad cases with much deformity.

     Then Chamomilla, with the restless misery that takes the shape of vile temper. The child demands a thing-to hurl away. Wants to be carried and screams it set down. Wherever you get this frantic, restless irritation-in babe or in adult-Chamomilla will be oil for the troubled waters.

     Dulcamara -for the effects of cold damp-wet feet-chills and diarrhœa, when evenings are cold after a hot day-or when the weather becomes suddenly cold. It will often clear off the so-called "milk-crust" from a baby's head ; and it will not harm it, as the smearing on of skin preparations may do. You want to cure things, not to "drive them in", the worse troubles later on.

     But Arsenicum must not be forgotten. A great remedy for ptomaine poisonings. The Ars. picture is : great prostration-coldness-restlessness-fear-diarrhœa and vomiting-sometimes simultaneous ! -a remedy of sudden, desperate illness. Arsenicum should be in every house for prompt use ; and that not only in the nursery ! It is marvelous to see how rapidly the sufferer reacts to Arsenicum. The diarrhœa stops, the patient becomes warn and peaceful- the storm is over. I have seen several cases of this absolute magic.

     Bryonia, again. Pain anywhere-head, chest, joints ; but everything better and rest, and intensified by every movement. Tongue white ; thrust ; and the patient wants to be let alone.

     Mercurius, for complaints with profuse, offensive perspiration ; foul mouth, filled with offensive saliva. You may see this condition in influenza and fever-in sore throats-in rheumatism, etc. Your nose and eyes will not miss it, even if your knowledge does not go so far !

     Nux. Constipation with stomach-ache, and pinching, spasmodic pains. Nux is cross-quarrelsome-very shivery-has perhaps eaten too much.

     The Pulsatilla child likes to be petted. Fat, fair, fretful ; jealous and wants attention : -often selfish Cries easily ; and can be made to laugh again easily. Indigestion, in such a child. It hates fat ; is rot very hungry or thirsty. A great remedy for measles ; -in chilblains, where they are more painful when hot ; -in earache -in inflamed eyes.

     The children who respond best to Phosphorus are the tall, thin, delicate children who are afraid of so many things-as, the dark-of being alone-of thunder. They are apt to crave salt and to be thirsty for cold water. For such children Phos. is a great remedy for colds and all chest complaints ; also for diarrhœa with a little blood in the motions.

     Sulphur : A rather greedy child-hungry, anyway ! eats everything, so long as it's something to eat. Like fat ; -kicks off the bed-clothes. Sulphur has often fair, unruly hair ; is argumentative- the little, grubby, rugged philosopher. Not too clean ; not at all tidy ; and not fond of a bath.

     But Arnica must not be forgotten ! -for falls-bruises- sprains-for all injuries, slight or serious. It must be given internally always ; and applied externally, but only where the skin is not broken. Where skin is broken use Hypericum (or Calendula) externally.

     Then Drosera for whooping-cough. I had much experience with this during the war, in the children's department. One dose of Dros. will generally cure, or greatly modify, whooping-cough in a week to fourteen days ; Hahnemann tells us that it should be left to act, and not repeated- the miracle is to work !

     Influenza may reed Gelsemium. -or Baptisia. Gels. is the shivery, heavy-eyed and heavy-limbed type : Baptisia the dull, besotted condition, dull-red and drowsy. Or Eupatorium with terrible bone pains. All these remedies you should have at hand.

     Lycopodium may come in where there is sand on the diaper or where the urine is acid, and marks the body sore wherever it comes in contact with the skin, A Lyc. child is very fond of sweet things, and get a lot of indigestion with much distension and flatulence.

     Ah, but you have not the gift of prescribing ? you would distrust yourself ? You would want help ?

     And please don't run away with the idea that I want you to start treating smallpox !

     In these days there is the telephone. What a comfort the telephone would have been, times without number, to my anxious mother in her isolation : who did not dare to commit her precious children to an allopath when she knew that Homœopathy could cure them so much more quickly-surely-and safely.

     That is Homœopathy -quick -sure -safe.

     But in these days you can ring up the Homœopath doctor if he is out of reach, and he will ask symptoms and tell you the remedy to give. And you will not have to wait and send round and round the world to get it. You will be able to give it, at the time when it will help most-and that is, at once. You will open your little box and put a few globules on the sleeping infant's tongue, and it will suck at the sweet nothings without waking, and find healing.

     But one word of warning. Get your medicines at a homœopathic Chemist. Don't go to just any chemist who "Yes ! he does sell homœopathic medicines", and get strong tinctures. The potencies are safe ; not so the strong tinctures. Homœopathic Nux, in strong tincture, is actually stronger than allopathic Nux. And Dr. Burnett's experimental babies, treated with crude Aconite, though cured of their fevers were, he tells us, rather pale and had perspired overmuch.

     Get your remedies at a good homœopathic chemist. And let them be not less than the 6th or the 12th potency.

     But these are the evil days of small families-or none-and the modern young woman knows little of the joys and anxieties of that "heritage and gift that cometh of the Lord". They little realize how much they forfeit-not only in happiness, but in health, by their self-imposed limitations.

     For statistics show that, among married women, it is the mothers of large families who are not only the healthiest but the longest lived. Nature is not kind to those who flout her. She has her own way of settling with them.

     For their own sakes, women who do not wish for children should not marry.

     I think of our merry, wholesome, happy young days. I see these wretched "only children". Their normal childhood has been denied to them. It is in the home that one learns to give and take, that the angles get rubbed off, and that one learns to face the world. And then, the anxiety of an only child ! A rich, childless man told me once that what he wished for his worst enemy was-an only child !

     Then how do you women know that your husbands will not seek elsewhere the home life you deny them ? It is not the fathers and mothers of happy nurseries that crowed the divorce courts.

     And then-for the sake of the nation. How is this grand race of ours, with its amazing mission of peace and prosperity for the world, to be continued in the face of race-suicide ? And remember, the first child is seldom the best child !

     It is the nurseries of England and Scotland that have built this mighty Empire ; without the nurseries the race must deteriorate and the empire pass.

     But it will not ! It is the crazes that pass-always. The nursery will reassert itself ; and the Homœopathic Nursery is the Nursery, as Survival, and of (comparative) Peace.


Source : Homœopathy, Feb. 1934.


Sunday, 6 September 2020

Placebo Vs Nocebo நலம் வளர்ப்போம் காணொளி இணைப்பு(

 What is *Nocebo?*

What is *placebo?*


(நலம் வளர்ப்போம் காணொளி இணைப்பு)

இன்றைய சூழலில் நலவாழ்வு**

பேராசிரியர். டாக்டர்.A.P. சிவகுமரன்


Genuine homoeopathy clinical research center Madurai-6

Organon THE instrument (webinar) video link

 *Hahnemanns last gift to us (LM potency) , (acme of homeopathy)*

 *(1st half - LM potency discussion with LM Khan's sirs academy of quest)*

*(2nd half - first potency of Hahnemann (mother tincture) discussions*....

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Vaccine Indemnity Bond

Vaccine Indemnity Bond


I Dr.__________ Registration Number____ practising at_______ hereby declare that:

1. I am recommending this vaccine named_____ for ___number of doses to prevent/ modify/explore the disease called______

2. I declare with full knowledge that I have read every scientific material available on the science and technology of vaccines and about this said vaccine

3. I have assured myself with data that this vaccine has been made available after following the well established standard scientific procedures of drug and vaccines development. 

4. I have assured myself that this vaccine will not do any harm to the recipient by causing any autoimmune reactions or component injury in the short term or in the long term.

5. I assure that any future damage that may occur to the genetic apparatus, fertility, mind and other body functions of the recipient in any form that may be causually/ remotely related to the use of this vaccine is known to me/ is not known to me.

6. I assure that I am liable for prosecution and payment of compensation for medical negligence/ignorance/arrogance for not rendering scientific professional advice if the recipient is affected adversly by this vaccine.

7. I assure that I know/don't know the alternatives available for this vaccine either as science or as technology from Allopathy and other systems of medicine. 

8. I have chosen to administer this vaccine based on my conviction that this is the best alternative available as of today and I am not acting under peer pressure or commercial interest or trade pressure.

9. I assure that I am fully responsible for the consequences of my professional decision and I will not try to escape by passing on the blame to other parties. I assure I am the only and fully responsible person to be prosecuted for criminal liability and finacial compensation arising out of any litigation based on the use of this vaccine.

10. I assure that my first and foremost duty is to preserve and protect the interests of the individual person/patient/client and I will not compromise on that function for any other pressure/recommendation/opinion from the state/ profesional bodies/ industry.

Reciepients name, gender, age and address.:

Signed :  Doctor.          Recipient / Parent


மரு._________________ ஆகிய நான்,மருத்துவ கவுன்சில் பதிவு எண்______ கொண்டு _______என்ற விலாசத்தில் மருத்துவ சேவை செய்து வருகிறேன்.

1. இந்த _______என்ற பெயருடைய தடுப்பூசி _____என்ற நோய் வராமல் தடுக்க/தீவிரம் மாற்ற/ஆய்வு செய்ய கொடுக்கப்படுகிறது.

2. நான் இந்த தடுப்பூசியை பற்றிய அனைத்து அறிவியல் அடிப்டை தரவுகள், தொழில்நுட்ப தரவுகள், உற்பத்தி தரவுகள் ஆகியவற்றை கவனமாக படித்துவிட்டேன்.

3. இந்த தடுப்பூசி மருந்து உற்பத்தி முறைகளின் படி எல்லா படிநிலைகளையும் முறையாக கடைபிடித்து தயாரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது என உறுதி அளிக்கிறேன்.

4. இந்த தடுப்பூசி உங்கள் உடலில் எந்த விதமான பக்கவிளைவுகள், ஆபத்தான விளைவுகள், ஏமச்சிதைவு நோய்கள் ஆகியவற்றை உண்டாக்காது என உறுதி அளிக்கிறேன். இந்த மருந்தின் உள்ளே உள்ள துணை சாரங்கள் உங்கள் உடலை பாதிக்காது என உறுதி அளிக்கிறேன்.

5. இந்த தடுப்பூசி போடுவதால் உங்களுக்கு ஏற்படப்போகும் மரபணு, இனப்பெருக்கம், மனம், புத்தி மற்றும் உடல் சம்பந்தமான பின்விளைவுகள், நோய்கள் பற்றிய முழுமையான அறிதல் எனக்கு உண்டு/எனக்கு இல்லை.

6. அவ்வாறு உங்களுக்கு பாதகம் ஏற்பட்டால் உங்களுக்கு பொருத்தமான மாற்றுவழிகள், அறிவியல் தரவுகள் ஆகியவற்றை கொடுக்க தவறிய காரணத்தால் என் மீது மருத்துவ அறியாமை/அலட்சியம்/ஆணவம் ஆகிய பிரிவுகளில் வழக்கு தொடரவும், இழப்பீடு பெறவும் உங்களுக்கு உரிமை உண்டு என்பதை அறிகிறேன். இந்த பழியை வேறு யார் மீதும் கடத்தி விட்டு தப்பிக்க முயலமாட்டேன் என உறுதி அளிக்கிறேன். எல்லா பாதிப்புகளுக்கும் நானே முழுமுதல் காரணம், வேறு எவரும்/எதுவும் இல்லை என உறுதி அளிக்கிறேன்.

7. இந்த தடுப்பூசிக்கு மாற்றாக புழக்கத்தில் உள்ள/வரப்போகும் அல்லோபதி மற்றும் ஆயுஷ் மருத்துவ அறிவியல் முறைமைகள், தொழில்நுட்ப முறைமைகள் ஆகியவற்றை பற்றிய அறிதல் எனக்கு உண்டு/இல்லை.

8. இந்த தடுப்பூசியை நான் உங்களுக்கு போடுவதற்கான காரணம்-இதுவே இன்றைய தேதியில் இந்த குறிப்பிட்ட நோயை வராமல் தடுக்க/ குணமாக்க பயன்படும் முறைகளில் குறைந்த ஆபத்து உள்ளது என்பதால். இதை நான் அரசு, அறிவியல், வணிகம் போன்ற எதன் அழுத்தத்தினாலும் சொல்லவில்லை. நானே என் சுய அறிதலில் இருந்து சொல்கிறேன்.

9. இந்த தடுப்பூசியை பரிந்துரைப்பதின் முழு பொறுப்பையும் நானே ஏற்கின்றேன். இதில் வேறு யார் மீதும் நான் கூட்டு பொறுப்பை திணிக்க மாட்டேன். இதன் சாதக பாதகங்கள் அனைத்துக்கும் நான் மட்டுமே பொறுப்பு. அந்த பொறுப்பை நான் ஒருபோதும் தட்டிக்கழிக்க மாட்டேன். பாதகங்களுக்காக என் மீது வழக்கு தொடரும் முழு உரிமையையும் நான் உங்களுக்கு வழங்குகிறேன்.

10. என்னை தேடி வரும் நோயாளிகள்/நபர்கள்/பயனாளிகள் ஆகியோரின் நலனே எனக்கு முதன்மையானது. அதை வேறு யாருடைய அழுத்தம், கட்டளைக்கு பயந்து விட்டுக்கொடுக்க மாட்டேன். இந்த விஷயத்தில் அரசு/அதிகாரம்/வணிகம் ஆகியவற்றின் ஆணைகள்/வேண்டுகோள்களை நான் புறக்கணிப்பேன் என உறுதி கூறுகிறேன். எக்காலத்திலும் உயர்அதிகாரிகள் அழுத்தம் காரணமாக நடந்துகொண்டேன் என்று தப்பிக்க முயலமாட்டேன்.

ஒப்பம்:   மருத்துவர்.        பயனர்/பெற்றோர்



பயனரின் பெயர், வயது, பாலினம், முகவரி.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Hahnemanns last gift Gift (LM potency)

 *Hahnemanns last gift to us (LM potency) , (acme of homeopathy)*

 *(1st half - LM potency discussion with LM Khan's sirs academy of quest)*

*(2nd half - first potency of Hahnemann (mother tincture) discussions*....

Monday, 3 August 2020

My clinical experiences in Covid 19

From my desk 

*My Trio Happy hypoxia in covid19*

To reduce covid19 *happy hypoxia* Arsalb, carboveg, veratrum trio helping well.

Arsalb typically fear with restlessness , wants warm drinks which ameliorates, with midnight agg

Carboveg when the patient having low vitality with bloating dyspnea with eructations, fever without thirst.

Veratrum when there is external coldness with internal fever , marked dryness thirst for cold water, but drinking agg, skin turns blue.

(Acidphos where patient extremely exhausted, profound debility) 

*Simple home quarantine with homeopathy medicine's*
Arsalb LM 1,2,3 
Acid phos LM 1,2,3,4,5 were used successfully.

We used Arsalb in LM every 30min for first 2days as per symptoms totality, fever reduced,  but debility ++++ indicates Acid phos in LM,... Improved dramatically.  Will write full case soon.

*We administered every 30mins , each time after 10 strong succussions...   Now we reduced to 8succussions and 2hrly doses.*

Will learn and update more practical utility from patients symptoms...


Tuesday, 2 June 2020

நா(டு)ம் நலம் பெற

*"ஆர்சனிக்கம் ஆல்பம் " என்ற ஓமியோபதி மருந்தினை சிறிதளவு நீரில் கலந்து உட்கொள்ளுங்கள்.*

*கொரோனா தொற்றிலிருந்து உங்களை நீங்கள் காத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள்.*

யார் உட்கொள்ளலாம்? : இன்று பிறந்த குழந்தை முதல் 100 வயது முதியவர் வரை

உடலில் வேறு எந்த பிரச்சனை இருந்தாலும் பரவாயில்லை.

 அன்பர்களே இம்மருந்து உமை வாழவைக்குமே தவிர தீங்கு செய்யாது..

இனிமையான மருந்து.

பக்கவிளைவுகள் ஏதுமில்லை.

ஒரு நபருக்கு 3 உருண்டைகள் 100மிலி நீரில் கலந்து காலையில் வெறும் வயிற்றில் (நன்கு சுவைத்து) குடிக்கவும், 3 நாட்கள் சாப்பிடவும்.

பின்பு 15 நாட்கள் கழித்து மீண்டும் 3 நாட்களுக்கு, அவ்வளவுதான்.

பல இடங்களில் இது நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டது.

ஆயுஷ் அமைச்சகம் /தமிழக அரசு பரிந்துரைத்தது.

பயப்படுவதை விட,  அனைத்து  மக்கள் கையில் Arsalb கொண்டு சேர்த்தால் போதும்.

இம்மருந்து கொரோனா நோய் தொற்றாமல் இருக்க தேவையான நோய் எதிர்ப்பு ஆற்றலை நம் உடலில் முன்னதாகவே உண்டுசெய்யும்.

அப்போது கொரோனாவின் ஆற்றல் நமது உயிராற்றலைவிட குறைவாகவே இருக்கும் நிலை ஏற்படும்.

ஆக இக்கிருமி உட்புகாமல் இருக்கும்.

 அதே வேலை தொற்றும் ஏற்படாது என்பது உறுதி..

நம்மை  நாம் காத்துக்கொள்வோம்.
 தன் கையே தனக்குதவி.

பல இடங்களில் தன் சொந்த செலவில் ஓமியோபதி மருத்துவர்கள் இம்மருந்தை கொடுத்துக் கொண்டு தான் உள்ளார்கள்.

இந்நாட்டில் வாழும் அனைத்து மக்களும் உண்டுவிட்டால் மூன்றே நாட்களில் கொரோனா பயத்தை ஒழித்து விடலாம்.

இனியேனும் உங்கள் அருகாமையில் உள்ள ஓமியோபதி மருத்துவரை அணுகி பெறலாம்.


டாக்டர் சிவகுமரன்
தூய ஹோமியோபதி மருத்துவ ஆராய்ச்சி நிலையம் திருநகர்,

மேலும்... *தமிழ் நாடு முழுவதும் கிடைக்கும் இடங்கள் இணைப்பில்*...

Friday, 29 May 2020

Scalds and homeopathy

A case of Scald's

In these covid19 lockdown days, almost every homeopath really busy with covid19 homeopathy prophylaxsis camps and activities...

When i was in such busy activities, got an urgent phone call from a patient, with lot of panics and anxieties, sir,  my infant unknowingly entered her hand in hottest boiling sambar (south Indian dish) her whole hand fully boiled sir, full of baggy blisters,  please save her hand sir, and so....

I was 5kms outside the town in covid19 homeopathy prophylaxis camp...

I asked them to go to my clinic immediately, and requested our junior doctors by phone, to take case...

 As i reached my clinic at the earliest, While i entered into my clinic many of that family members gathered as small crowd,  and parents of that child weeping like anything and child also crying loudly, that baby not allowed me to touch her hand, even when i looked at her hand she cry more and more, (check image1st row)
While i looked at case note of junior doctors, they mentioned
Some rubrics and remedies
Fear of being touched
Fear of suffering
 aconite, stramonium, arnica, chamomilla..

I replied , Just you see the patient as a whole, not only the mind symptoms...

Finally we prescribed .CANTHARIS in LM0/1 every 3minutes each time after 10strong succussions...* (administered through feeding bottle)

With in few mins after some Suckling's of medicinal solutions, she stopped crying and started sleeping in her mothers hand...(check image 2 row)

First we started LM 1 with aqueous solutions for every 3-5 minutes ,( *each time after 10strong succussions* )

With in short time baby stopped crying and we noticed burning get reduced.

Then slowly extended interval between doses...
As first one ended, we went to further higher as master mentioned in 246-248.

*Further dosage, we increased up to lm0/5 with ever increasing doses... (As per 246)*

She recovered completely without single scar...( check image 3rd row)

 *No external applications used*

*Master Hahnemann mentioned LM potencies as highly perfected methodology of his invention* @246,270fn(G)

We can make more rapid gentle permanent healing through *Hahnemann's new methodology (infinitesimal dilutions)*

Because *here , in such acute cases , we can repeat n number of slightly heightened doses until cure*

Genuine homoeopathy clinical research center
Madurai 625006.

Guide lines during antipsoric treatment

*Guide lines during antipsoric treatment*

During the treatment of chronic disease *we should receive a daily report.*

If this is done remotely, like via text, the person needs to tell *"return of symptoms" and "new symptoms".*

*Return of symptoms means the medicine is working well.*

*New symptoms never experienced* before if they are frequent and strong might need to be modified and a *new prescription started.*

Hahnemann teaches *how to monitor symptoms after antipsoric remedy* been prescribe..

Incident symptom experience during day first which being experience..( ```~Should be marked single underline```~ )

And symptom which *haven't been ever experience* new symptom ( _should be underline twice_ )

*Single underline symptom will tell us antipsoric remedy is working and take hold to cure*

Where as twice underline symptoms will tell us that *remedy was not purely homeopathic but was partially similimum*

The patient is requested to report daily.

Returned symptoms are a good sign.

New symptoms are not favorable and if frequent and severe may indicate the remedy might need to be changed.

~Chronic diseases by Hahnemann

#courtesy tikva , sanjay

Thursday, 30 April 2020

100 ++ places to get best quality Covid19 homeopathy immune boosting medicine's private doctors list (Free distribution available in all Government hospitals)

Every homeopath in our globe is a warrior in covid19.

Salutes to all homeopaths who doing great services with immune boosting homeopathy medicines distribution...

We aims to give immune boosting homeopathy medicines to all citizens*

*100 ++க்கும் மேற்பட்ட இடங்களில் தரமான covid19 ஹோமியோபதி நோயெதிர்ப்பு மருந்து கிடைக்கிறது.


*We aims to give immune boosting homeopathy medicines to all citizens*

* Best Quality Covid19 homeopathy immune boosting medicine distribution Government and  private doctors list*

*அனைத்து குடிமக்களுக்கும் நோயெதிர்ப்பு அதிகரிக்கும் ஹோமியோபதி மருந்துகளை வழங்குவதை நோக்கமாகக் கொண்டுள்ளோம்.*

*அனைத்து மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள அரசு மாவட்ட தலைமை மருத்துவ மனையில் (ஹோமியோபதி பிரிவு) ஆர்சனிக் ஆல்பம் நோயெதிர்ப்பு ஆற்றல் மருந்து அரசால் இலவசமாக வழங்கப்படுகிறது*

@ Free👇

 *Government homeopathy medical college hospital Tirumangalam- 625706 Madurai*

,1)AranyaAnna hospital arumbakkam Chennai,

2)Kilpauk medical College,

3) government hospital Tambaram Sanatorium hospital,

  4)Coimbatore ESI hospital

5),Madurai ESI hospital,

 6)ESI hospitalayanavaram Chennai)

. 7)Government headquarters hospital Kanchipuram
8)Government headquarters hospital Nagercoil

, 9)government hospital sankarankovil,

10)government headquarters hospital Thoothukudi ,

 11)government headquarters hospital Ramanathapuram ,

12) Government hospital sivagangai,

13) government headquarters hospital tenkasi,

 government hospital virudhunagar.

15) government headquarters hospital Karur

 government headquarters hospital thiruvarur.

 government headquarters hospital Trichy .

 18)Government headquarters hospital Nagapattinam,

Primary health centre thiruvarambu, Trichy.

20 government headquarters hospital Perambalur,

21) government headquarters hospital Salem ,

government headquarters hospital Namakkal

,23) government hospital edappai,Salem St.

 24)government.dist. headquarters hospital Dindigul,

25)primary health centre neikkarapatti Palani

,26) primary health centre (Kanyakumari district) melpuram,

27) government headquarters hospital Dindigul

28) government district headquarters hospital Villupuram

29) (Dharmapuri) government headquarters hospital

30) pennagaram,

31) government headquarters hospital Arakkonam

,32) government headquarters hospital Vellore

,33) government hospital  athoour Salem district

.34)Government district headquarters hospital Tiruvannamalai

35)government headquarters hospital  periyakulam theni

. 36)Primary health centre vadugapatti Salem district

37)primary health centre thuthuoor Kanyakumari district

38)government hospital Chidambaram

39) government headquarters hospital kadaloor

40) government homoeopathy medical College tirumangalam Madurai district.

41)Government headquarters hospital Tirupur

 42)government hospital udhagamandalam

43) Primary health centre karamadai Coimbatore

44) Government hospital Pudukkottai.

*மாவட்ட வாரியாக  தரமான ஹோமியோபதி covid19 நோயெதிர்ப்பு ஆற்றல் மருந்து வழங்கும் தனியார்  மருத்துவர்கள் பட்டியல்*

(தமிழ்நாடு & பாண்டிச்சேரி முழுவதும்,+மகாராட்டிரா)

( *சேவை மனப்பான்மையுடன் செய்கிறோம்)

Here, list of private doctors doing homeopathy services in different parts.

*சென்னை பெரு மாநகராட்சி*

1. Dr. S. Shenbaga, Saidapet, chennai, ph: 9841140920

2. Dr. Mathi, Allcure homoeopathy clinic, Velachery, Chennai 9500468800

3. Dr.Priyanka BHMS, Prithvi homeo clinic, Thandhai Periyar Nagar, Taramani, Chennai 600113. Ph: 9894513099

4. Dr. Malini T Sri Eswaran Homoeo Clinic Madipakkam, Chennai-91 Ph no: 9094999919 9941370595

5. Dr. Nirmal, Niveena Homeo Clinic, No 304B, Konnur High Road, Inside 24 hr hospital, Near Noor Hotel, Ayanavaram, Chennai, 9842788997

6. Dr.Ilaiyarani, Arul Homoeo Clinic, Urapakkam 9443787375

7. Dr. S. Gowri, BHMS, SM Homoeo clinic, Sai gardens, dhandeeshwaram 10th cross street, velachery, Chennai. 8056080745

Dr J Jesiah Anto Poovendan.
Santham Homoeopathy
49 A. Periyar 2nd street
Srinivasa nagar, Padi, Chennai 600050. land mark - sacred heart school


Dr M.K.Nivethitha BHMS., Sri Bhashiyam Homoeopathy Clinic , 5/12, Rajamangalam 4th Street , Villivakkam , Chennai 600049, Ph: +919043406033

Dr Nancy,200 Feet Inner Ring Road, near indian oil petrol bunk, madhavaram, chennai 60.
ph no:9840435805

Dr.Prathebaa raj
No.7, kundalakesi street, M.G.R. nagar , chennai-78

Dr S Ranjitha
Aran Homoeo Cure,
No. 10, Saraswathi street, seetha Pattabhi nagar, ayapakkam, ch 77 : 9940642946

*கோவை மாவட்டம்*

1. Dr A Thamarai Selvan
Vennnila Homoeopathic clinic
143-A  R V N Lay Out
New Siddhapudur
Coimbatore 641044
Mobile 94430 60609

2. Dr.N.Parthiban,  Venilla Homeopathic clinic Coimbatore Coimbatore 9442070643

3. Dr.P.Hemalatha,B.H.M.S, Deepam Homoeopathy clinic, karumathampatti . 9865420605

4. Dr. Bibin T Varghese, s.v.Homoeopathy Clinic, 1, Sathy main road, Near water tank, Ramakrishnapuram, Ganapathy, Coimbatore. Pin 641006. Tamilnadu. Phone: 9894696306

*திண்டுக்கல் மாவட்டம்*

1. Dr.P.Kathiravan, NPC clinic, Madurai main road, near KVB Bank, Nilakottai, Dindugal CELL 9994212101

ஈரோடு மாவட்டம்

Dr.  S Poonguzhali BHMS, Msc  (Psy), Project  Assistant,  Design and Development  of a  Tool for Childhood  Autism  Grading (DST  Funded  Project),  Dept  of Computer  Science  and Engineering,  Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,  Erode, Tamil Nadu, India
+91 98943 69916

Dr S. Poonguzhali, BHMS, MSc (psy),
Sanjeevini Homoeo clinic,
 vettukattu valasu,
nasiyanur Road
Erode 12
Ph. 9489879916

*கள்ளக்குறிச்சி மாவட்டம்*

1. Drsanthoshkumar Homeopathy consultant 2 / 133b, bazaar street Post by Rishivandiyam Kallakurichi district 606205 Cell: -9843132680

*மதுரை மாவட்டம்*

1.   Dr.Sivakumaran, Genuine homoeopathy clinical Research center,
Tirunagar 1st stop Madurai -625006, 9842477482

2. Dr.U.S.U. kalpana, Sarada homeopathy clinic, Tirumangalam, Madurai, 9842845846

3.Dr.Devasankar M.D(hom)
Former principal G.H.M.C.H
90 A, north veil street simmakkal Madurai. +919443203053

RH146 Ellis nagar,Madurai 10

4 Veltai Homeo Clinic, 8/19 Kakkan Street, Senai Nagar Madurai - 20. 9080718567

5.S.R.K. Homoeo clinic Sheela devi complex Rajendra main road Karimedu ccb school
Madurai Contact:9487602782 9952136616

6. Dharshini homoeo clinic ..2 / 764 mahatma veethi ..marudhupandiar street .gomathi puram 6 th main road, MADURAI. 9487417732

Dr.A.Akmal jahan. Taj Homoeo clinic.   No .18. Ismail puram 4th street,  Munichalai road.   Madurai .9.  Phone. 9842028727

8. Dr.Bharathi@sana B.H.M.S Cure Homeopathy Clinicic 155B, Vakkil new street Opp Harish Bakery Simakkal Madurai-1 Ph no: 7010634425

9. Sivabalan gayathri homoeo clinic 15, Kannaya complex, Bose street, sellur, madurai-2 8754734982

10. Dr.B.Aarthi Sugan, JAS homoeo clinic, H-97, tnhbcolony,tamilnagar anaiyur, madurai-17. 6380386329

11. Nalvazhi homeopathy clinic 380,Bharathiyar road jaihindpuram Madurai-11 Ph: 7010634425

12. Dr R. Sindhu B.H.M.S Sri meenakshi homoeo clinic 5 /2, Moulana saheeb Street, annanagar madurai - 20, phone no :9488463342

13. Dr.Karthika Suresh Karthika Homoeopathy clinic Pandian Tower Manthai Amman kovil Street Near SBI Bank Narayanapuram Madurai - 625014 Mobile : 9894376286

14. Mahathma Homoeo Research Center, Dr. Dhananalam, 62/21 Soniyar Kovil Street, Narimedu, Madurai, Ph:0452252600

*நாகப்பட்டினம் மாவட்டம்*

1. Dr. Rajarettinam. B.H.M.S., Homeopathy doctor. 5, Poorna Towers, State Bank opposite, Neela South Street, Nagapattinam. 7200976779

*நாமக்கல் மாவட்டம்*



Dr.P.Dinesh B.Sc.,B.H.M.S
Kongu Homeo Clinic,
Near Rani Mahal,
New Dharapuram Road,

2. Dr.Vimaladevi, BHMS., Annai homoeo clinic, Neikkarapatti, palani_624615. mobile_9952349245, 9894848479

3.Mass hospital
90.New dharapuram road
Opposite to Ramakrishna Hostel, palani,
📱 9600510424

*பொள்ளாச்சி மாவட்டம்*

. Dr. Prabunayagam bhms Vinayaga homeo clinic Pollachi. 9865785810

*சேலம் மாவட்டம்*

. M.Thiyagaraj Thiyagu clinic Steel plant Salem 9790209939

Dr . Leelavathi,BHMS,
1/54-3 anna nagar 4th street,
Omalur,Salem Dt.636455

Dr Anbarasi
Sri sairam homeo clinic, junction, Salem.

21/9B., Pension velu st,
Salem 636 006


1. Dr.subbulakshmi Sankaran kovil 9597412105

சிவகங்கை மாவட்டம்
Abi Homoeo care
Dr. S. Abirami
SLS complex, first floor,
Post office road,
Opp to PR travels,
Thiruppathur. 630211
Sivaganga District

*தஞ்சாவூர் மாவட்டம்*

1. Dr.Revathy, shop no-208, Near SBI ATM, Jubilee towers, Ramanathan roundana, Trichy road, Thanjavur-7. 9442413543

2. Dr.K.M.Anu, JaiHomoeo clinic. Shop no -7, Arokya Nagar, E. B. Colony, Nanjikottai road,. (near Indian Bank) Thanjavur-613006. Mob_9791758164

*தென்காசி மாவட்டம்*
Dr.c.selvakumari.BHMS.susee Homoeo clinic,8,Telungar street,puliyangudi,Tenkasi no-9095048003

*திருநெல்வேலி மாவட்டம்*

Dr.D.Durairaj 9486450484   Mr.Sankarapandian 9842237205

Vaigarai Homoeopathy Hospital & Research Center
1/433, Palai - Ambai Road,
Tirunelveli - 627356

Dr. Asokan - CMO

Mr. Amalraj - Manager

Mr. Harihara - PRO

*தேனி மாவட்டம்*

1. Dr r Ramesh, Lakshmi hospital 35/15 cumbum road moondranthal periyakulam theni dt 9790661895

2. Dr.A.Abdul pazith BHMS,M.A.N.Homoeo clinic,47 sungam Street near big masjid, cumbum.Theni dt, 9894476001

3. Dr Sathiswaran, Sree vinayaka homoeopathic clinic, Near hotel theni international
Theni 9944242451

*திருச்சி மாவட்டம்*

1. Dr.karthiyaini Trichy 9944946621

2.Dr.J.Arul mozhi.BHMS.
Reg no : 5301
1/8D utchi manakadu, venkatachalapuram, pullambadi, Lalgudi(TK), Trichy (DT). : 9585021569

*திருப்பூர் மாவட்டம்*

1. Dr.karthick babu .b Sri Homoeo clinic, 12 krr lay out1 stt, mangalam road tirupur -641604 9843449966

2.Dr.S.K.Senthil Kumar
Pranav Homeo Care & Cure
84,Rajaji street
Opp Canara bank
Tiruppur district

*திருப்பத்தூர் மாவட்டம்*
Homoeopathic Clinic
Sri Kannabiran Nagar, M.C.Road,
MADANUR 635804.
Timings: 9am to 2pm,
Contact 📞 09486051430.

*திருவள்ளூர் மாவட்டம்*

1. Nachiyar homoeopathy clinic, anna street, opposite to bharat petroleum, chennai bye pass road, tiruttani.

My no 9940919442, 7530097087

*திருவண்ணாமலை மாவட்டம்*

9486087090 , 9443019234
Morning 9 Am to 11 Am

திருவாரூர் மாவட்டம்

Velumathi Homoeo Clinic
Mannargudi and Thittachery.
CELL 9843134564

Amirtha Homoeo clinic
Manathiyar st.
cell 9943098868

Dev Homoeoc clinic,Anr complex ,south main st
cell 9443402103

*விருதுநகர் மாவட்டம்*

1. Dr. Sureka Eswari BHMS, Sri Yogiram Homoeo clinic, 967, Sri Yogiram Bhavan, National colony, ( opp. to Gupta printers back gate), Sivakasi -626189. Ph no : 8148215857


Dr Dhana Lakshmi, Hemanth Homeo-Dental Clinic, No.1, Airport Road, Tagore Nagar, Lawspet, Pondicherry 605008 Mobile 9842680841

In *Maharashtra*

Dr Sachin Mestry
(Homoeopathic physician)
Contact no: 8806016905.
Shree Samarth Homoeopathic Clinic
Address: Kolad & Indapur, Taluka-  Roha, Dist- Raigad, Maharashtra, India.

மக்கள் பணியில்

*தூய ஹோமியோபதி மருத்துவ ஆராய்ச்சி நிலையம்*
*மதுரை 625006*

Monday, 20 April 2020

What is Miasm?!


Actually, What is miasm according to Hahnemann?!

Miasm = infection

*Miasm from Hahnemann's chronic diseases following...*

Hahneman's classification is most logical and reliable, and simple to analysis and treat diseases of mankind

All diseases of mankind had been divided into..

1. Acute diseases
        a.  Individual type (those diseases with chronic miasma at its background for acute exabaration.
        b.  Epidemic diseases

        c.  Sporadic/ pandemic

2. Chronic diseases - diseases those cause by chronic miasma as from following..

      a. Venereal miasma - disease occurring from sexually transmitted diseases
           i. Sycosis - diseases arising from Maltreated or  insufficiently treated gonorrhoeal pathogen background diseases

        ii. Syphilis - disease arising from mal-treated or incompletely treatment or treated with opposite medicines , with syphitic pathogen at background

      b.  Non-Venereal miasma - all those disease arising from non-venereal origin diseases , which are not venereal  are non-venereal, background of all these disease is one or some sorts of ''itch disease'' with or without eruption of skin . This type is called psora which comprises almost 85% of diseases of mankind..

Miasmic disease is aquired disease.

 In able to aquire a disease we need to be exposed to the contagious element.

Pathogen/germ/ In old fashioned words MIASM

 A miasm is a disease aquired by contagion.

Some miasms are acute - chicken pox , influenza , typhoid...

Others,  psora ,sycosis and syphilis
 become chronic diseases ....

 Especially when the skin eruption is destroyed.

 Hahnemann gave us many many examples of suppressed skin eruptions resulting in serious disease.

Hahnemann categorised miasm with only 2 category
1. Venereal miasm
2. Non-Venereal miasm

*Voice of Hahnemann*

Most painstaking observations as to the aid afforded by the anti-psoric remedies which were added in the first of these eleven years have taught me evermore, how frequently not only the moderate, but also the more severe and the most severe, chronic diseases are of this origin.

This observation taught me that not only most of the many cutaneous eruptions which Willan distinguishes with such extreme care from one another, and which have received separate names, but also almost all adventitious formations, from the common wart on the finger up to the largest sarcomatous tumor, from the malformations of the finger-nails up to the swellings of the bones and the curvature of the spine, and many other softenings and deformities of the bones, both at an early and at a more advanced age, are caused by the Psora.

So, also, frequent epistaxis, the accumulation of blood in the veins of the rectum and the anus, discharges of blood from the same (blind or flowing piles), haemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria, and deficient as well as too frequent menstrual discharges, night-sweats of several year’s duration, parchment-like dryness of the skin, diarrhoea of many years, standing, as well as permanent constipation and difficult evacuation of the bowels, long-continued erratic pains, convulsions occurring repeatedly for a number of years, chronic ulcers and
inflammations, sarcomatous enlargements and tumors, emaciation, excessive sensitiveness as well as deficiencies in the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling; excessive
as well as extinguished sexual desire; diseases of the mind and of the soul, from imbecility up to ecstasy, from melancholy up to raging insanity; swoons and vertigo; the so-called diseases of the heart; abdominal complaints and all that is comprehended under hysteria and hypochondria - in short, thousands of tedious ailments of humanity called by pathology with various names, are, with few exceptions, true descendants of this many formed Psora alone.

Hahnemann mentioned TB and cancer under psora and malaria is an acute disease.

Many believe and even teaching wrong informations in the name of homeopathy...

Psora - deficiency/functional disturbance
Sycosis - overgrowth
Syphilis - destruction

Is it true ?


Not according to Hahnemann...

it is not what Hahnemann said...tumours ,warts,cancer everything mentioned under psora by Hahnemann...

After learning chronic diseases,  that miasmatic symptoms are the symptoms that occur as consequence of infections with contagion(germs)... If it self terminate itself it is named acute miasms...if it last life long it is termed chronic....except sexually transmitted diseases all other infectious diseases and it's consequences are put under general term psora.

Actually Hahnemann means the disposition to be infected by psora is present in all individuals under all circumstances it is infected by touch of infection in normal skin ( without damage also)....So psora infection is found in almost all persons....and this psora leads to (predisposes to) numerous secondary chronic ailments..

Dear Doctors ,

Before started studying Hahnemann's writings,

I wish to point out one word ..

*'wont'*  This word appears in many Hahnemann writings...

*this ancient word actually means frequently ....not as wouldn't.*

Courtesy tikva sanjay and friends

homeopathy for injuries

homeopathy for injuries